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Location: On board the DIII -Triumphant
Tags: Diarch Rellik @open to DE imperial council and Diarchy High Council
The Super Battle Cruiser “The Triumphant” sat imposing on the border of Dark Empire space. Having recently come from the Diarchy capital world of Bastion, its passengers were among...
"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -
Hushed tones and whispers echoed magically throughout the Palace on the Sith homeworld of Jutrand, words no doubt infused with false additions or...
Objective - To Rise Ever Higher
CURRENT MISSION - Face your family, face your fears.
Immediate Goals -
1: Do what you have to to change the Galaxy...
BLUFOR - Darth Malum of House Marr
OPFOR - Enemy Unknown
This was not his...
CURRENT MISSION - Sunday's Drive
Immediate Goals -
1: Attend an Eternalist Seminar
1.1: Don't get bored to death
1.2: Ascertain the worthiness of the Eternalist philosophy
BLUFOR - Allies Unknown
OPFOR - Enemy Unknown
I'm in the process of reworking my Jedi Academy concept to transform it into a more open-ended educational network. The goal is to create a collaborative and accessible system for training and knowledge-sharing across the galaxy, rather than focusing on a single centralized location.
To that...
The planet of Dantooine. A relatively underdeveloped planet, primarily the home of simple farmers. Though, there was one individual on this planet who wasn't quite normal.
In the small colony of Khoonda, an figure can be seen in the sleeping quarters. Knelt in a meditative position, the figure...
Location: Abraxin
There was a heavy sigh from the heavy creature that was sitting at the bar. She was not trying to hide away; it was impossible to hide when you were that big. But she was trying to be left alone, so she turned away from the Mon Cal barkeep and looked out the glass window...
"So, good news and bad news."
Kahlil lowered his hands from the controls, taking a breath as he looked over his shoulder. For a moment he paused, staring at Amelia von Sorenn. The fact she was there was.. Well, he hadn't expected that at all. When did she step through? That- No, it made sense...
TAGS: Loomi
Braze was inspecting his new quarters in the temple buildings that had been under construction for the better part of the past year. He was surprised at how quickly they had been built by interested parties, thanks to the backing of a handful of wealthy philanthropists.
Love these things. Can't understate it. I love improving my writing where I can, and more often than not I don't see the areas I can because I've gone rpblind. Feedback would be the febreeze in this meme scenario. So, hit me with it. Aris has been my consistent character as of late, and I've...
Location: Office in Moff Council wing of Imperial Complex, Lianna City, Lianna
Equipment: See Bio
Entourage: N/A
Tags: Marcus Bastion
Dialogue Key: ”Galactic Basic” | <<Telepathic Communication>>
Former Moff Teckla Tane had sent a message to Moff Bastion to meet her at a tapcaf near the newly...
I'm slowly grapsing this div stuff. At first I was super intimidated but I think I am starting to understand it a bit more. I was hoping someone with more talent and skill could help provide Matthias with one? I have no idea how these work or how simple or complex they can be, but I'm hoping for...
Location: Naboo
Objective: Runaway
Tags: Onrai
Casi had been missing for three whole days, ever since the discussion to take her mom off life support. She knew the Jedi would eventually come looking for her and her best idea was to get off the planet, but that was a bit difficult with no...
Hello everyone. Been a while.
Well, actually, now I look at it...close to six years since I last stopped by. Crazy how time flies!
Anyway, I thought I'd drop in and have a look, see how things are going. It's nice to see that Chaos persists, as I rather hoped it would. I'm not yet certain if...
Undisclosed Deep Space
Aboard the Forge of Iron
The crew of the modified Crusader-Class came to the projected meeting place. A point in space in which was far from anything else in the Galaxy. The meeting here was to be on neutral ground to give an air of selected neutrality. Aboard was Drego...
I have to take a LOA due to mental health. Its serious.
I have notified those of you I am RPing with in DM.
May The Force Be With You All,
Halitus, Veikis, Raz Azule, Sunyia, Mara Palpatine, and Co
Hello everyone!
I've been rping Zaiya, my Lovalla 14-year old character, for a little over two and a half months. I originally created her back in August of 2020, but unfortunately, wasn't able to get her to stick to really get her going.
Thankfully, this time around, I had a great start-up...
While I've spent some time writing Vera, I want to expand her circle of friends, or just build more connections in general. So here's a little bit of info!
Vera is the daughter of Valery Noble and Kahlil Noble, so maybe you can meet her because you know one of them!
She's a Jedi Padawan, so if...