Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Maleiah Kozan

    Private  Shadows in the Gilded Desert

    Cantonica The cantina was a far cry from the shimmering opulence of Canto Bight proper. Nestled on the outskirts, just beyond the glittering city’s edge, it was the kind of place where dreams came to die quietly, drowned in cheap liquor and a haze of spice smoke. Maleiah Kozan slipped into the...
  2. Liin Terallo

    LFG  Secrets Beneath the Surface: New Cov

    Hello! I have a story arc in mind and am looking to see if there is any interest for it: The Setting: In the far reaches of the Galaxy outside of the Core, on the lush and biologically mysterious planet of New Cov, the historical corporation NCBC has cornered the market on an extraordinary...
  3. Lord Darkstalker

    Character  Lord Darkstalker

    Race: Kel Dor Age: 23 Sex: Male Bio: A tall, straight figure with Sith-like robes and a strong, yet silent composure. He wields a single-bladed dark core red Lightsaber and can use many Force abilities, namely a very strong Force Lightning. His past and motives are unknown, but maybe he could...
  4. Makai Dashiell

    Auction  SSB Auction : The Mystery Box

    After nineteen years since his very first Southern Systems auction, he was back. Not only to bid, that was a given, but in an odd twist of fate, to host. Typically the workload would have fell on the Queen of Trade but this time others had taken up the mantle and spread the work of hosting and...
  5. Aliyah

    First Reply  Mystery of Residential District 39 | Tales of the Alliance

    Tag: Anyone GA-alligned Location: Corsucant, Residential District 39 Coruscant is known to have some of the most well-developed infrastructures known to sentients in the Alliance space, years upon years of budget allocation by the government, and the potent investments from the private sector...
  6. Voice of the Captalist

    LFG  SSB Mystery Auction Sign Ups

    MYSTERY AUCTION Selling only an item or two? Want to have a bit of fun? Fill out the template below and DM it to this account only - got to keep it a mystery after all. Name of Item : Link to Item : Item Category : Reserve Price [ Y/ N ] : Credits, UC, Barter, No Preference :
  7. Draco Miles

    Private  Bloody Murder

    Missing Person reports were not an uncommon occurrence in the galaxy, people get kidnapped all the time, and even 4 in the same area would most likely get overlooked… but when one of those missing people are a jedi, now things can get interesting. A jedi padawan on vacation to the planet of...
  8. Resh

    Faction  Blue Screen of Death [Jedi Padawans]

    Dojo, Jedi Temple, Coruscant Open to Jedi Padawans At first, Resh assumed the heightened intensity of his training droid partner was simply another test from his master, Maeve Linahan . She had put him through the wringer during their first training sessions (if you could call it that, given...
  9. C

    Private  Assassino

    WARNING! Adult Themes, Graphic Violence, and Alcohol Use. The Underground was a Casino in the Outer Rim. The entire sphere of greed and avarice was inside an asteroid. Inside one of the cocktail cantinas that peddled drink to make more people sink their winnings into the house, losing it all...
  10. Nathan Bloodscrawl

    Approved Tech  Edo's Mystery Saber

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a standard unique lightsaber. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Nathan Bloodscrawl Affiliation: Elias Edo Market Status...
  11. Nej Tane

    Public  Dead Empires

    Subterrel Sith Space There was a distinct issue with what Nej did now and again- It wasn't the legality of it. Laws came and went, and Nej couldn't keep up with who to pay fines or turn himself into for warrants- why bother with Republic Warrants from a long time ago, only for Alliance...
  12. Drane T'keen

    First Reply  Agony And Mystery

    Current Outfit Thinking back, he couldn’t quite remember what had drawn him to this planet. Catonica was a bit like a tonic that existed in the Outer Rim, away from centralized civilization in a way, and that was its own draw. It had one sun and at least two moons, a desert world that wasn’t...
  13. Aerona Ceinder

    LFG  Got Credits and a Mystery to solve?

    Hey, Simple enough, new character, looking to jump into threads if people got any interest in writing with the character. Private Investigator, so anything that looks into solving mysteries, hunting criminals, fun gambling, or social. Hit me up! Lets thread!
  14. Fulcrum

    LFG  Looking for neo-noir mysteries and neon dreams...

    Hey, everyone. Is your character looking for something or someone? Maybe they've got some burning, unanswered questions, or a personal tragedy that needs closure. Maybe they just need a helping hand... or a private eye. Whatever the matter, Fulcrum's detective agency is open for business and...
  15. SIU-87

    Public  Homicide on Hercine Street

    Location: Hercine Street, Thirty-Eighth Precinct of Axxila Objective: Investigate Murder in Meridian Apartments Tags: Die Shize || Axxila had two-hundred and seventy-three independent precincts, seven of which were primarily centered around the major elevators from the cityscape and up to...
  16. SIU-87

    LFG  Murder Mystery on Axxila!

    I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in a murder-mystery RP? As the title states, the murder would take place on Axxila in the "38th Precinct of the Axxila Security Forces". The general idea I have isn't something we would need to confine ourselves to. 1. There is a homicide in a seedy...
  17. Big Nick

    LFG  Long-form Mystery Storyline | Jedi and Such Forth

    Alright, with Ord Providence finally introduced to the wider Galaxy (thanks by the way for all the engagement for all the folks who jumped in), I feel like now is a good time to roll out my bigger plans, at least as far as the current arc for my main cast of characters. It's taken me a while to...
  18. F

    LFG  Deep in the Graveyard Horror Mystery!

    'Tis the season for..... Well, you know! Been cooking something up for months, gathering bits and pieces to set the scene and some of the characters. Now it's your turn to come and test your survival skills here. Are you the type to go it alone? Or would you team up with the locals that know a...
  19. F

    Public  Deep in the Graveyard (Horror Mystery Thread: OPEN)

    Graveyard. It was a planet unlike any other. A Dark Force Nexus, surrounded by an asteroid field that was part rock and part space debris from ships that never made it out. Most never made it out. More evidence lay in scattered ruins across the planet's surface. That was what gave Graveyard...
  20. M

    LFG  Jedi Archaeologist/Problem Solver

    Miri is a Padawan who tends to act more like a merc than a noble Jedi Knight. Lately she's been struggling to reconcile Jedi philosophy with her desire to just end every nasty person she meets, and I want to explore that side of her character a bit more. I'd be willing to RP her with Jedi and...
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