Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Arris Windrun

    LFG  Need a starship captain to take me to Nar Shaddaa

    Seeking a starship captain to take Arris here to Nar Shaddaa. Does your starship barely function? Great. Do your enemies show up at the worst possible times? Even better! Are you grizzled, old, maybe a bit mean or irresponsible? Love that. We could even get all philosophical and explore the...
  2. Braze

    Bounty  Neon Noir - Nar Shaddaa

    TAGS: Xoff Chantin || Open to other criminals and such but please DM before joining A seedy dockside district on Nar Shaddaa—grime-slick streets beneath the endless glow of holo-ads, the stink of fuel and spilled ale clung to the air. A place where the desperate and the dangerous blended...
  3. Gatz Derrevar

    First Reply  Jedi + Nar Shaddaa = Trouble

    Ship: The Red Night Weapons: Lightsaber Tag: Open to a Jedi As Gatz threw himself from the railing, dark cloak trailing behind him, he wondered if any of his friends would care enough to arrange his funeral procession. His boots hit the metal catwalk below with a thud, and he tucked into a...
  4. Keg'rala the Hutt

    Work In Progress  Nar Vaadu

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To both create a setting for adventures in Hutt Space as well as develop the world that functions as the home for the character Keg'rala the Hutt. Image Credit: Image 1: Warhammer 40k Wiki on Nostramo Developed via Midjourney AI Art Generator Image 2 Image...
  5. Darth Dekaltis

    Private  Can't Have Chit in Nar Shadda

    Normally, Nar Shadda was a- No, it was never quiet. The planet that never sleeps, and yet... It was not usually this LOUD. Screamed echoed through the streets, as once again an admittedly cute voice spoke out. "Heeeeeey Darksiders! We're streaming tonight to talk about this Wonderful! piece...
  6. A'ti

    Public  Nar Shaddaa: Undertuned

    Location: Nar Shaddaa, Hutt Space Tags: Jacen Nimdok Levi Judd Music: On the Smuggler's Moon of Nar Shaddaa a familiar face within the criminal underworld had resurfaced although with much less power than she had commanded when the Hutt Space Consortium ruled Hutt Space. The blue Twi'lek...
  7. Darth Dekaltis

    First Reply  <<Just Chatting!>> Super Chats on Nar Shadda????

    The girl walked the streets of Nar Shadda idly. To the outside observer, she was just muttering to herself, before finally letting out an exclaimation, once again, to herself. Within the dirty streets of the city, it was something to ignore. But to the girl in question, it was everything...
  8. "Jackal"

    Bounty  Nar shaddaa blitz

    fa-play fa-pause Equipment | In Bio Location | Nar shaddaa industrial sector Tag | Orve Wren With her slow rise to success it would be only a matter of time until she had to get into some serious competition with other hunters, be it a race or a duel. For now though she inhales a cloud of...
  9. Gatz Derrevar

    Private  Nar Shaddaa Nights

    Coruscant Kragan Garr was in the wind. What Gatz and Valery had done on Sovereign Station, the heart of his slaving empire, had terrified the old Quarren. That was deeply satisfying to Gatz. But it had also motivated him to start covering his tracks, and to stop making so many public...
  10. Dreidi Xeraic

    Private  A Night in Nar Shaddaa

    Location: Nar Shaddaa, dive bar Outfit: Casual Companion: Grisial Tag: Marigold Looking around the dive bar, Dreidi decided to take some time for herself and Grisial before they headed back to GA space. She was unsure why she decided to come to a dive bar, perhaps just because it was around...
  11. E

    LFG  Nar Shaddaa Nitwits | Help me get a feel for this character!

    Howdy! I seek some writing shenanigans for Eabha here. She is: - an orphaned thief with a history of stealing stuff from all over the Smuggler's Moon, - a smart mouthed brat trying to effectively organise orphan kids, - filled with terrible ideas that might get her killed. She's also Force...
  12. D

    Character  Dom Nar

    TITLE/CHARACTER NAME GOES HERE NAME: Dom Nar FACTION: Mandalorian Enclave RANK: Karjr SPECIES: Human/Clone. Created through Engineered Variance Cloning AGE: Chronologically 16, Biologically in his early thirties. SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5 ft 10 ½ (179.1 cm) WEIGHT: 165 lbs EYES: Almost...
  13. Red Mobius

    Approved Tech  Hide of Nar Kreeta

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Sub a Unique Heavy Armor Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Heavy Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Red Mobius Affiliation: Red Mobius Market Status...
  14. TC-CS-4820

    Public  One Night in Nar Shaddaa

    The Forlorn Escape had pulled out of hyperspace a short while ago, it's long and boxy hull pointed towards the celestial body ahead of it. It looked very much like Coruscant, if its higher levels were peeled away to show the scummy underbelly of their lower cousins. The entire moon looked like...
  15. Jho'Henig

    Private  Nar Shaddese shenanigans

    Nar Shaddaa, also known as "The Smuggler's Moon". The planet was a base of operations for many criminals, the Paaerduag smuggler Jho'Henig was not an exception. Jho'Henig walked from the cantina that is located in the spaceport. Both heads, Jho and Henig, were laughing and talking with each...
  16. Avra Elru

    Witch on Nar Shaddaa

    If anyone is interested in interacting with an exiled Nightsister feel free to drop in right here!
  17. Laertia Io

    Approved Starship  CNS Flesh Memory

    Intent: To Create the Galaxy's Second Super Star Healer Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Development Dominions: (None, is a hospital ship) Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  18. Laertia Io

    Approved Starship  Shield of Sacrifice

    Intent: To Create the Galaxy's first Super Star Healer Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Development Dominions: None. (Unarmed. Not a Military Vessel) Primary Source: Med Star PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  19. Credit Wizard

    Approved NPC  Nar Shaddaa Deployment Troopers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create front line infantry for the Hutt Republic; when independence is achieved. Image Credit: Credit to Creator Role: Front Line Infantry and a Portion of the Rank and File of Faction Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: The Nar...
  20. Highmoon

    Invasion  Allegiance: SJC invasion of Bryn'adûl held Nar Chunna, Nar Kreeta, Cyborrea and Klantooine

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light... A lion was always most dangerous when cornered. For too long, the Bryn’adul had been able to rip through the frontiers of Silver Space until they were...
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