Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Zara Saga

    The Timeline & Current Narrative

    The Timeline & Current Narrative Pax Per Bellum (Lasting Peace) Timeline: 900-901 ABY (2024) - The Rise of the Diarchy Pre 900 ABY: Two brothers, taught by their father Darth Kakus, take his ideas and form the Diarchy. Diarchs, Rellik and Reign, leave Taris due to the Galactic Alliance and...
  2. Hakon Fett

    Tenets of the Crusaders | Faction Theme and Character Fit [OOC]

    This is a quick introduction to our faction—its theme and focus—in the format of a FAQ. Q: What is the theme of the faction and can my character fit in? A: "Win or lose, as long as the fight is worthy, then honor is gained. The glory at having triumphed over impossible odds is what drives us...
  3. Darth Imperius

    Public  Campaign - Wild Space Open Narrative

    Hello there! With the fall of several Empires, the Galaxy, especially outside the mighty stable Core, experiences a time of distress and chaos. For this purpose I would like to start a little campaign located in Wild Space, aimed at the region around Bakura and Endor which was firmly in the...

    Guide to the MAW and the Second Great Hyperspace War

    "WAR. DEATH. REBIRTH!” -Gospel of the Hidden Maw Galaxy At War The Brotherhood of the Maw wages war across the galaxy, crumbling nations and their peoples under the oppressive weight of the Dark Side of the Force and the Dark Three, Avatars of the Bogan that serve as the idols of unholy...
  5. Konrad Harrsk

    Narrative Introduction | Second Great Hyperspace War

    N E W _ I M P E R I A L _ O R D E R SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR STORY HOOKS IMPERIAL VANGUARD "We are beyond. Dreamers. Destroyers. All of Reality. Our Whim. Who dares stand before us?" "I. Rurik." —The Sith's first witness of Rurik Fel The Imperial Vanguard oversees the forces of the Empire...
  6. B

    Faction  First Shots-First Part of Black Sun Mob War Narrative (EE)

    Chaos on Annaj! On the back of the Eternal Empire's gradual conquest, the privateered syndicate of Black Sun has expanded its territory within the Unknown Regions. Where Broka the Hutt has ushered in a new age for the organization, and has made it so Black Sun has its hands on many industries...
  7. Annasari

    Suggestion  Shift Dominions to a Narrative Focus

    Intent: To find a way to make dominions less “grindy”. Dominions, I think, are viewed by most as a necessary evil. They can be so boring, long-winded, but we post to them to get another hex added to our blob on the map. In my opinion, most major factions have moved away from story and to...
  8. Thales Raynor

    LFG  Fleshing Out a Corellia Narrative

    Hello All, This is my first thread since coming back to forum RPing. I started a thread for a narrative on Corellia, dealing with Corellia's underworld. Mostly just looking to have some light fun and to connect with other writers/players. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to do...
  9. Mlow Eman'outther

    Looking To Write/Join A Narrative That Feels Like Star Wars

    Home For A Kudon Boy Hello, and thanks for answering this ad! Anywho, onto the actual reason I decided to post this. I came to this site as a writer who loves Star Wars, who grew up playing KOTOR 1+2, Jedi Academy, and reading Legends novels. Someone who has dedicated a scary amount of their...
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