Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Elias Edo

    Approved NPC  Erewhon, Jedi Knight

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A leader of the Bogano Jedi Enclave and close friend of Elias Edo Image Credit: [HERE] [HERE] [HERE] | edits by Elias Edo Role: Bogano Jedi Enclave leader Permissions: n/a Links: [Faction] "Rumination and Reprieve" [Invasion] "Dissolution of the Rim"...
  2. Vian Sarad

    Character  Vian Sarad

    VIAN SARAD Age 29 GSY Homeworld Glee Anselm Species Nautolan Gender Nonbinary Height 1.85 Meters Weight 86 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Bloodhound (Apex Legends) INVENTORY Equipment A set of personalized Mandalorian armor A CC-B73 blaster rifle A C-45 particle revolver A...
  3. Creuat

    Character  Rhis Fisto - Creuat

    RHIS FISTO/CREUAT � Music Save Me Aliases Creuat Class(es) Bladesmann Crusader Birthplace Glee Anselm Age Adult Personality Traits Callous (CREUAT) Adamant Brave (RHIS) Benevolent (RHIS) Rank(s) Jedi Master (RHIS) Dark Jedi Master (CREUAT) Faction(s) Galactic Alliance Jedi...
  4. Tahlah Vizsla

    Character  Tahlah Vizsla

    Tahlah Vizsla Age: Late Teens to Early Twenties Species: Nautolan Gender: Female Height: 6' 3" Weight: 196lbs. Force Sensitive: No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Tahlah is incredibly fit and athletic as a result of favorable genetics and a Mandalorian-style upbringing. Typical of Nautolans, she has...
  5. Aalto Rhune

    Character  Aalto Rhune | Frostwalker

    AALTO RHUNE Age 25 Species Nautolan Gender Male Height 5 feet 10 inches Weight 178lbs Force Sensitive Yes Faction / Jedi Wayseeker Rank Knight Vessels TBD... PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION A blue skinned Nautolan of modest height with a thin athletic build. He sports more rustic...
  6. G

    Character  Darth Gorgon

    SOCIETAL Name: Unknown Alias: Darth Gorgon Homeworld: Glee Anselm Residence: Mobile Affiliation: Sith Rank: Sith Knight BIOLOGY Species: Nautolan Age: Thirties Gender: Male Height: 5'10" Build: Thin Hair Colour: N/A Eye Colour: Black Skin Colour: Pallid Force...
  7. Ilo Aduni

    Character  Ilo Aduni

    Ilo Aduni Music REMEMBRANCE Aliases Ilo Class(es) Jedi Padawan Assignment Coruscant Temple Birthplace Glee Anselm Age Late Teens Personality Traits Gentle Easygoing Easily Distracted Overly Trusting Diplomatically Naive Clumsy Lifestyle Traits Therapist in the making...
  8. A

    Character  Shel Beroya

    SHEL BEROYA Music The will of the people Full name Shel Beroya Aliases Ironstar Class(es) Mandalorian Fleet Commander Birthplace Vlemoth Prt Age 30 Personality Traits Witty Loyal Just Authorative Short temper Reckless Stubborn Education Traits Witty Mentor Lifestyle...
  9. Damaaris Huwe

    Public  A Besalisk and a Nautolan walk into a bar…

    Dam snorted in the Yvara air as he set one foot on the landing pad. Like memory warned him, the place still reeked of mouldy mushrooms and burning engines, two scents that never mixed well together if you were planning on keeping your food inside your stomach. His right foot landed, metal met...
  10. NauOne

    LFG  Possible Padawan LFG

    I'd like Mieczyk to become a Jedi Sentinel, and that's going to require a Jedi master as a padawan. He is presently waiting for his waiter at a local restaurant back home: Fancy Eats [A Spacestation Restaurant].
  11. NauOne

    Public  Fancy Eats [A Spacestation Restaurant]

    Yellow-green Nautolan Mieczyk is dressed like a fashionable Jedi, though his clothes are big on him. Perhaps to grow, or perhaps that's the aimed for style? On top is a dark brown, sleeveless robe with a hood designed to accommodate Nautolan headtails. Not that he has much need for it yet, as he...
  12. NauOne

    Character  Mieczyk

    Items Owned: Weapons: A pair of rose-golden lightsabers with citrine inlay artwork of flowers. The two lightsabers match, but are not identical. A matching pair of blaster pistols with dark brown outer thigh holsters. Droid(s): An R6 droid with a paintjob matching his starfighter, and weapons...
  13. NauOne

    Hey, I'm NauOne.

    I'm just a Nautolan kid looking to forge some platonic RP friendships. My headtails are pretty short still, but I can RP older if necessary, so my character(s) can be more independent. I'd like to RP Jedi. If you're worried, my activity is being monitored by my mother, and I am in the 13+ age...
  14. Tek

    Character  Tek Virr

    TITLE/CHARACTER NAME GOES HERE NAME: Tek Virr FACTION: None RANK: None SPECIES: Nautolan AGE: 18 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.8 meters WEIGHT: 64 kg EYES: Black HAIR: None SKIN: Green FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : Nautolan traits...
  15. Nymmith Kirgill

    Nymmith Kirgill

    Nymmith Kirgill NAME: Nymmith Kirgill FACTION: The Republic Remnant OCCUPATION: Sniper / Infiltrator SPECIES: Nautolan AGE: Mid twenties SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5ft 8in WEIGHT: 170 lbs EYES: Dark maroon and large in size. No distinct pupil and sclera. HAIR: Long, luxurious...
  16. Deslin Vegar

    Deslin Vegar

    DESLIN VEGAR BASIC INFORMATION: Name: Deslin Vegar Faction: None, currently. Race / Species: Nautolan Actual Age: 25 Gender: Male Height: 6'9 ​Weight: 141 lbs Skin Tone: Mint Green, with lines of Hooker's Green on the face. Eye color: Navy blue Hair color: N/A Homeworld: Glee Anselm Force...
  17. Imorg Ra'ak

    Ilmorg Ra'ak

    NAME: Ilmorg Ra'ak. FACTION: N/A RANK: Smuggler. SPECIES: Nautolan. AGE: 26. SEX: Male. HEIGHT: 6'3" WEIGHT: 175 pounds. EYES: Reddish black. HAIR: N/A SKIN: Green. FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  18. Nyt Rito

    Nyt Rito; Agent Provocateur Extraordinaire

    The Mischievous Rogue NAME: Nyt (Nit) Rito, also has been called "Trouble", "Hey, you, stop that!" and many other..... unkind titles.... FACTION: Silver Jedi Order RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Nautolan AGE: Nine solar years SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.32 m WEIGHT: 24.9 kg EYES: Black, reflective. HAIR...
  19. M

    Looking for a picture of a Nautolan for a character

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for someplace where I can make a Nautolan or something like that. I was hoping to make a character that is Nautolan.
  20. N

    Niyochi Ra

    NAME: Niyochi Ra HOMEWORLD: Gree Anslem CURRENT LOCALE: Lothal FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes FACTION:Galactic Alliance OCCUPATION:Jedi Archivist Initiate Jedi archivists were Lore Keepers who delved into many areas of study, allowing the Force to guide them to their areas of specialty. Niyochi as...
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