Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jae'koris

    Approved Species  Deilokin

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Remaking a species i originally created when I was much younger and not as creative. Image Credit: Mass Effect 3, me9999 Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Original Deilokin (my submission) GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Deilokin Designation: Sentient Origins...
  2. Prax Elvros

    Character  Syrenno Maraan

    SYRENNO MARAAN Age 33 GSY Species Vahla-Human hybrid Gender Male Height 1.83 Meters Weight 109 kg Force Sensitive Yes Voice Basim (Valhalla) INVENTORY Equipment A suit of armor, made out of Sarrassian iron Brightcinder, a durasteel sword said to be blessed by Vahl herself A...
  3. T

    Character  Toloi Vax'zta

    T O L O I * V A X ‘ Z T A O V E R V I E W Faction: New Jedi Order || Galactic Alliance Species: Near-Human Age: Mid 30's Sex: Female Height: 5'7" Weight 139lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Black Skin: Pale Sickly Pallor Force Sensitive: Yes Appearance: A near-human woman with an uncanny appearance. She...
  4. Arron Starstrider

    Character  Baize Reav

    BAIZE REAV Age 34 GSY Homeworld Nadiem Species Human-Kiffar hybrid Gender Male Height 1.96 Meters Weight 116 kg Force Sensitive Yes Voice David Oyelowo INVENTORY Equipment A set of Norris robes A siang lance An HF-94 heavy blaster pistol A Kilian shield gauntlet Vehicle(s)...
  5. Prax Elvros

    Character  Katachi Ren

    KATACHI REN Age 25 GSY Species Meerian Gender Male Height 1.78 Meters Weight 70 kg Force Sensitive Yes Voice Scott Menville as Red X PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION As a Meerian, Katachi is a Near-Human and thus outwardly looks like one. Yet, his kind have drifted from baseline humanity...
  6. Tiare Malsuum

    Character  Savarr Chanto

    SAVARR CHANTO Info Faction: Independent Birthplace: Corellia Age: 37 GSY Species: Human-Echani hybrid Gender: Male Height: 1.71 Meters Weight: 70 kg Skin: Tanned Hair: White Eyes: Silver Force: Non-Sensitive Voice: Ian McShane as Al Swearengen Backstory Born to a Corellian father and an Echani...
  7. Kaneha Dalsa

    Character  Chac San Tekka

    CHAC SAN TEKKA Info Faction: Independent Birthplace: Zeffo Age: 35 GSY Species: Near-Human (Human / Mirialan Hybrid) Gender: Male Height: 1.85 Meters Weight: 83 kg Hair: Black Skin: Tan, w/ a slight green tint Eyes: Blue Force Sensitivity: Yes (mild) Voice: Jonathan Frakes History Chac San...
  8. Hansen

    Species Review  Nórrmen | Homo Sapiens Augeus

    Source (x) Nórrmen in an "arrowhead formation" close on a sleeping alien encampment. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a mysterious race of augmented humans who were engineered to wage warfare with the dominant society; reflecting this, they're ferocious as Vikings and disciplined like...
  9. Darth Kinrath

    Character  Tarakhe

    NameTheokleia Draste Alias(es)Tarakhe BirthplaceParnassos Age29 GSY FactionBrotherhood of the Maw OccupationMarauder SpeciesNear-Human (Epicanthix / Onderonian Human) GenderFemale Force SensitiveYes Height2.26 Meters Weight119 kg Hair ColorBlack w/ red highlights Eye...
  10. Kell Nedrann

    Character  Kaleb Djarin

    KALEB DJARIN BirthplaceConcord Dawn (claimed) Age29 GSY (Guild records) RankMercenary FactionBounty Hunter's Guild HomeHas permanent lodgings on Batuu; otherwise mobile SpeciesNear-Human (Human/Kiffar; per Guild blood testing) GenderMale Force SensitiveUnknown; no abilities have...
  11. A

    Character  Amaranth

    The Following document is an overview, compiled from various ORDIS Documents regarding the Imperialization of Subject #2891902, given name Amaranth. Since said case involves a Force Sensitive, Inquisitorial Agents and members of the Sith Order were also present during all evaluations. General...
  12. B

    Approved Species  Padj'udushi

    Example 1 Example 2 OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a pre-republic era force sensitive species for Baruuk (inclusively and lore reasons) ​Image Credit: Image taken in Warframe [X] Canon: N/A Links: Kwa GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Padj'udushi Designation: Sentient Origins: Kwa...
  13. Henne Bastra

    Henne Bastra, Jedi Consular [hr] HENNE BASTRA SPECIES: [Morellian] HOMEWORLD: [Morellia] GENDER: [Female] HEIGHT: [165 centimeters] WEIGHT: [48 kilograms] EYE COLOR: [Blue] SKIN COLOR: [Pale] HAIR COLOR: [Blonde] MIDICHLORIAN COUNT: [Est. 14,500] SKILLS &...
  14. 4ND-R0

    Approved Species  Tuatahi

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: As with the Valkyri and the Norse, this species is to offer a Pan-Polynesian equivalence to players that so wish to play it. This is in addition to further flesh out the newer, albeit lightly explored lore of Scarif. Image Credit: Here Canon: N/A Links...
  15. Ranik Delmont

    Approved NPC  Natalya Corliss - Ranik Delmont's Thrall

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out a fanatic within Ranik Delmont's personal entourage. ​Image Credit: Here. Role: Fanatical Follower and weapon of Delmont. Links: Ranik Delmont PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: Twenty Five Force Sensitivity: Untrained Species: Near-Human Appearance: A...
  16. Celestine deWinter

    Celestine deWinter

    (( Social Information )) NAME: Celestine Shery Artemia deWinter KNOWN ALIASES: Celestine Cavataio, Celestine Hi’jia NICKNAME: Cellie (given by her Aunt Nessa) TITLES: Scion of Family of Darkness Royal Princess of Endelaan SPECIES: Near-Human Hybrid (Human, Kiffar, Epicanthix, Morellian...
  17. Varik Ice

    Approved Species  Ripokasta

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide an odd and (hopefully) interesting species for Wild Space that can be used for roleplay. ​Image Credit: Image | Image Source Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Ripokasta Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Striga...
  18. Tour Sera

    Tour Sera

    Tour Sera Initializing database query function.. Uploading Item_Dossier_"Tour Sera".. Updating Field Items.. Loading Display.. I. Personal Records IA. Identifiers Name: Tour Sera Species: Kalzerian/Epicanthix Gender: Female Homeworld: Kalzeron 2A. Vital Stats Height: 1.67 meters...
  19. Kerrigan Vialiah-Atur

    Kerrigan Vialiah-Atur

    KERRIGAN VIALIAH-ATUR PROFILE NAME: Kerrigan Vialiah-Atur FACTION: N/A RANK: N/A SPECIES: Near-Human (Half Miralukan, Quarter Zeltron) AGE: 28 standard years SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'7" WEIGHT: 144 lbs. BUILD: Medium EYES: Violet HAIR: Deep Red SKIN: Natural Beige with light red tints FORCE...
  20. Jiris Atur

    Jiris Atur

    JIRIS ATUR PROFILE NAME: Jiris Atur FACTION: N/A RANK: N/A SPECIES: Near-Human (Half Miralukan) AGE: 26 standard years SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'6" WEIGHT: 139 lbs. BUILD: Medium EYES: Right; Deep Blue | Left; Hazel HAIR: Pale Blonde SKIN: Creamy Beige FORCE SENSITIVE: YES...
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