Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Nej Tane

    Diplomacy  Fortune Favors the Brave (and Really Stupid)

    Nej Tane, was an idiot. An idiot savant, a scoundrel, and now- A billionaire. BUT. He accidentally, at one point, donated a couple thousand credits to some very scary people. The scary people, being the Neo Crusaders, who liked to sack planets and ride on giant lizard robots for fun from...
  2. Hakon Fett

    Faction  Vindication | Open to All Mandalorians | NEO

    “We are the culmination of everything Mandalorians once stood for and everything they now fear: success, domination, power. We, the Kyr'tsad, know what's best for our people, even though they don't know it themselves.” – Tor Vizsla, in his first speech as the Death Watch alor to Mandalore's...
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