Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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new mandalore

  1. MG-851216

    Private  The Wrath Of A Beaten Dog

    FOOL'S GOLD As Cabur'tomad rolled through hyperspace, Mevia Vizsla leaned back in the passenger seat. She was truly doing this. She was truly joining Death's Hand. She sighed, her feet up on the control panel as the basilisk groaned to her. "I know. I'm an idiot. Everything I'm doing right now...
  2. SCAR

    Populate  Death's Hand | BotM Populate of Empty Hex

    NEW MANDALORE '74 Related threads building to this: Ashes to Ashes Reclamation Remember Your Place Manda’yaim. The Mandalore-that-was is gone. This truth was widely preached by Death Watch Crusaders, hidden vode of the Enclave, and by Death's Hand themselves. The planet was a cursed...
  3. SCAR

    Ready For Judge  New Mandalore | Rakata Secundus

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out the world inhabited by former members of Death Watch Crusade while honoring their contributions to the site and to give Death's Hand a world of their own. Image Credit: Janjur Qom - Alien Planet on Headers Ingrid...
  4. The Quartermaster

    Subfaction  Foreboding | The Enclave

    T H E E N C L A V E Kestri's Moon gleamed violet in the twilight sky. It was a peculiar phenomenon. As she leaned out on the balcony from Tor Valum's central spire, the cool wind whipping at her furs, the violet light reflected brightly on her bronze-coated helmet. The Quartermaster had not...
  5. Rynn Vizsla

    Campaign  Way of the Mandalore | The New Mandalore Campaign

    // Unknown Regions // Undiscovered Sector // Uncharted System // // Terrestrial Planetary Body - Type I Atmosphere: Habitable // // Continental Classifications with Variable Biomes; Predominantly Jungles and Oceanic // The Mandalore-that-was is gone. There were once fertile fields where...
  6. The Quartermaster

    Subfaction Journey to Kestri, the Mandalorian Frontier

  7. Rynn Vizsla

    The New Mandalore Campaign

    As mentioned in our discord server, this campaign will likely start after the current Mandalore rebellion. In addition, as we close on that upcoming finishing date, this thread will be updated with a rough framework, and act as the faction's own OOC thread in designing this campaign...
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