Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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new mandalorian

  1. Stevru Klamat

    Character  Stevru Klamat - Last of a Lamentable Line

    Stevru Klamat Age 32 Species Gender Male Height 1.8 meters(metric required) Weight 81 Kilograms Force Sensitive Non Force Sensitive PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION A dour, humorless looking human man of average height and athletic build. Black...
  2. Jenn Kryze

    Faction  The Path Ahead I New Mandalorians

    The Battle of Onderon is over. A pyrrhic victory, secured through the courage and undaunting defiance of the New Mandalorians. The Queen of Onderon is dead, the capital of Iziz ruined, and the loathsome foe yet hides upon the moon of Dxun, ready to withstand a siege amidst the ancient bastion...
  3. New Mandalorians

    New Mandalorians

    "The Galaxy can be a harsh and unforgiving place. Those who are incapable of killing have ever been the subjects of those who are." "Alliances, Coalitions, Empires - such great entities rise and fall like the tide, and their inevitable fall (for nothing is eternal) brings about despair and...
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