Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Thomas Barran

    Subfaction  An Interview with the Khan (A Carlac News Exclusive) KOTM/DE

    A CARLAC NEWS EXCLUSIVE AN INTERVIEW WITH THE KHAN [THEME] Documentarian: Arun Melor Exerpt: EXCLUSIVES - PART 45 Release: Fall, 903 ABY After a long run of dangerous, long-winded spaceport exchanges, I finally found my way to the only known Khanate Headquarters in the Deep Core, and as much...
  2. Jenile Hayel

    Request  News Bulletin Art

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone would like to have a bit of a news bulletin ready?
  3. Vazela

    EotL News Letter Archive

    EotL News Letter Archive This is an archive for all of the EotL news letters posted detailing and summarizing events, threads or community spotlighting submissions made on behalf of the faction in the Codex or Factory as well as foreshadowing future roleplay being hosted by the faction. You...
  4. Holly Starstorm

    Character  Holly Starstorm - Holo Net News Reporter

    Holly Starstorm Full Name Holly Lee Starstorm Age Mid Twenties Affiliations The Galactic Alliance HoloNet News Occupation Holo News Reporter Homeworld Courscant Species Human Gender Female Force Sensitive No Height 5'5" Discord kitterbitters Biography: Holly Lee was...
  5. Arla Rodarch

    Major Faction News From the Mandalore Sector - MNN Exclusive - War on the Horizon?

    MNN News, with your hosts, Vau the Destroyer, and Mirta Saxon VAU : Good evening, and welcome to news of the hour, from Mandalore News Network, your trusted source for all current events in the world, the sector, and the whole galaxy too. We bring you now a report on the aftermath of several...
  6. Credius Nargath

    I have come bearing news

    The news is...I'm back, lol. Currently transitioning a lot of stuff to my secondary acc Tertius C. Nargath since I am going to try and use the timeskip for some neat rp's with the OG Credius. Want to draw up business contracts, secure a lifeline for an ailing business or simply want to work for...
  7. Holly Starstorm

    News  HNN News - Stories Wanted!

    Holly Starstorm is a reporter for HNN. Here are some of her previous works: 1 , 2 , 3 I am open to posting more news articles for anybody who wants HNN to report! Requirements: You must type up the news story so I can copy and paste it as Holly. Respond to this thread with your summaries...
  8. GNN

    Holonet  GNN Broadcast: Era of Peace Shattered! Jedi Ambush!

    Tonights Stories Tragedy STRIKES! Brutal Jedi Ambush Upon Sith Delegation at Ossus! GA Elections, are they really what they seem? The Price of Corellian Whiskey, will the devastating supply shortage ever end? Marketwatch: Is the price of the Galactic Credit Stable? And Modernizing Ewok...
  9. Underworld Tales

    Issue #3 of Underworld Tales

    Issue #3 of Underworld Tales No one can say it hasn't been an eventful few years! When two friends come to blows who do you trust? Well, my mother always said the one with the gun to your head. We wish the new management of the Hutt Cartel all the best in their ascension. You should too...
  10. Saro Nakaioma

    OBC Article #2 - Conflict on Mustafar

  11. H

    Open Market  Holo News Network - HNN

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: I made it with Adobe stock images Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Parent Company - GalactiCOM Holocommunications Location: HoloNet News HQ CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Holo News Network (HNN) Headquarters: Galactic City Coruscant -...
  12. Underworld Tales

    Issue #2 of Underworld Tales

    Issue #2 of Underworld Tales Greetings listeners it is good to have you back! It is good to be back! Today we have the latest from the underworld, the seedy news that seeps into our galaxy day by day. Fear not, Underworld Tales has you covered to keep you up to date on just who is in your...
  13. Djorn Bline

    Work In Progress  The Daily News Digest

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: The Daily News Digest Headquarters: Empress Teta Locations: Throughout the Galactic Alliance Operations: News Media Parent Corporation: New Imperial Order...
  14. Valery Noble

    Private  The news is pink

    Location: Denon Valery: Appearance Outfit: Factory Link Tag: Yula Perl Jem Gaelor Valery waved Dagon Kaze off as he turned his vehicle around to head back for the spaceport. He had dropped her off at his and Yula Perl's apartment and decided to circle back to make sure nobody had tracked her...
  15. Saro Nakaioma

    Approved Location  HoloNet News Headquarters

    Intent: Headquarters for HoloNet News (Kitter Bitters ) Image Credit: Artist Credit [1] | Artist Credit [2] | Banners by Me Canon: Not Applicable Permissions: Here Links: Not Applicable Structure Name: HoloNet News Headquarters Classification: Office Building Location: Galactic City...
  16. Holly Starstorm

    Request  Holo Net / Holo Net News Art

    Would anybody be willing to make us some spiffy holo net graphics?
  17. Holly Starstorm

    A News Faction?

    So I tried this before in this thread here but there wasn't much interest back then. But I've spotted one more reporter on the board so I thought I'd ask again and see again if there would be enough interest for a small news agency faction? We could basically be a company that isn't truly...
  18. Holly Starstorm

    HoloNet News Interest Check

    This character has been an HNN reporter for a long time and I was thinking of expanding her interactions with others through news stories. I could set this up as a business, or as a minor faction, or even a sub faction of a major faction. HNN has traditionally been a republic news agency so I...
  19. Mother Askani

    GridLink - The Home of News.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Imagery created by me Canon Link: Utharis GridLink Primary Source: New Republic Prime Newsgrid Peacock Apple TV Streaming Media CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: GridLink Headquarters: Coruscant Locations: Services offered Galaxy-wide...
  20. A

    Codex Denied  Independent Galactic New Headquarters

    Independent Galactic News Headquarters Intent: To create a structure to server as the headquarters for Independent Galactic News Image Credit: Aurelien Rantet | Dividers and edits made by myself (Andros Khordel) Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Independent Galactic News | Odessen...
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