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Name: Barafka
Astrographical information:
Region: North TIngel Arm
System: Nidaam system
Suns: Qorrax, a yellow main sequence star
Orbital position: Six
Moons: Two moons, both atmosphereless
Grid coordinates: East of Ord Janon, on the edge of the Galaxy
Rotation period: 26 standard hours...
(Image source: Tinypic (Can't find a source more then that))
Name: Maour (Plural: Maours)
Designation: Sentient
Classification: Mamallian
Breathes: Type I, Type II
Races: Brar, Vota
Average height of adults: 2.1 meters (Female), 2.4 meters (Male)
Skin color: Black (Brar), Dark grey (Vota)...
Name: Cunomeel (Nicknamed 'space sarlaac')
Designation: Semi-sentient
Homeworld: Weyn I, and the Tashoony asteroid belt
Language: None
Average height of adults: 50 meters
Skin color: White
Hair color: None
Breathes: Types I, II, and III (as long as oxygen is present)
Hard carapce...
Name: Cuni (Or Cuni Mold)
Designation: Non-sentient
Homeworld: Cayay
Language: None
Average height of adults: N/A
Skin color: Black
Hair color: N/A
Breathes: Type I
Quick spreading - Cuni Mold spores and spreads extremely fast, allowing it to completely consume a full-grown human in...
Name: Dajin
Region: North Tingel Arm
System: Nidaam system
Suns: Qorrax, a large yellow main sequence star
Orbital Position: Fourth
Moons: None
System Features: Hawosu, Dhul, Cayay, (Dajin), Baraf, Barafka, the Tashoony Astroid Belt. (all subs tbm)
Coordinates: East of Ord Janon, on the edge...
Image source: World of monsters wiki
Name: Dajini Beldon
Designation: Non-sentient
Homeworld: Dajin
Language: None
Average height of adults: 100m
Skin color: Orange
Hair color: None
(Image source: Men In Black)
Name: Kutaan
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Cayay
Language: A language of hisses and clicks, called Xinaff by the Shaki
Average height of adults: 3 meters (Lord caste, Worker caste) 4 meters (Soldier caste)
Skin color: Brown exoskeleton
Hair color: None