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Damian du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Location: Coruscant, Old Senate District
Damian looked upwards to the night skies of Coruscant, he focused towards the general direction of his home Teta. The City planet itself proved far too bright for stars to shine bright enough for any...
Location: Courscant
Tags: Delain Revela
For Attention: Vera Noble
Equipment: N/A
Finally, he was back on Courscant.
He'd spent a lot of time on New Cov recently and had been upon many adventures. He'd provided Braze Kai'el with his answer and been to numerous lessons during his time at the...
Image Source: Legend (1985)
Within the Shaalite religion of Zaathru, there is a goddess-personification of the moon Damara, which is visible in the sky only at dusk. Thus, Damara is also known as the Queen of the Night.
The Queen of the Night Raiment was designed by a younger...
Location: Courscant
Tags: Vera Noble
The hour was late.
Later than the young Jedi initate expected to be awake anyway. Having only visited the Jedi Temple Library to conduct some research for a class, he'd instead found himself buried in a pile of data cards that he had collected, the screen...
Intent: Create a Canine (Wolf) Species
Image Credit: XX
Canon: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Links: N/A
Name: Dathomirian Night Stalkers or Gasúir Oíche in the Language of the Nardithi Nightsisters
Designation: Non-sentient
Origins: Dathomir
Average Lifespan: Twenty Years
Estimated Population...
Tag: Valery Noble
Location: Corellia, Central Plaza
Corellia is a wonderful place, rich of history. Being the homeworld to some of the most famous and infamous people in the Galaxy both past and present, as well as historical events which shaped the course of an era. Under the Galactic...
TAGS: Kita
It was early evening and Caelan sat on a bench outside of the house with datapad balanced on his knee, which was perched upward thanks to his foot also being on the bench. He was reading a story about Jedi and their exploits in the wider galaxy. Even though his mother had given up...
Intent: To create multipurpose goggles for Lilaste spec ops forces.
Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon...
Alicio Organa | Jonyna Si | Mavo Cortuga | Arabella Olivarius | Sig Dryggo | Laphisto | Ko Vuto | Braze
They came from every corner of the galaxy now as the sun sunk into the horizon and turned the skies of Hosnian Prime into twilight. A well dressed man stood before a bustling crowd of...
Northeast section of Karlini City closed off.
Tags: Alina Grayson
It was terrible that it had come to this. The sun was just setting, and given what they were dealing with....
Aiden had arrived several hours after the attack had commenced. The Karlini government as well...
The cyborg was out exploring Nar Shadda's nightlife to reacquaint herself with everything that had happened in the Galaxy since she was awoken. This was the planet where she was found by Daxton and possibly where she was disabled all those years ago.
Hearing the sounds of the hawkers, she...
There was a breeze on her skin. In only moments, however, it might pick up, become a stronger wind, turn into a gust, transform into a thunderstorm. This planet was known for them. At the moment, though, there was no rain on her face. On her countenance, there was painted only the image of...
TAG: Connel Vanagor
Sports were never really Jonyna's interest. Not that she was unaware of them, but she never really got sports. She preferred a night at the club, or a day on the town. She never really showed it, but one could definitely pin the term 'girly' on her if they wanted to.
Coruscant Jedi Temple
After Hours
TAG: Valery Noble
Jonyna stepped into the temple hall once more, looking for the person she had arranged to meet outside the council elevator that led to the meeting chamber. Why here? Because she wanted others to assume this was something official.
Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes
Noah Corek Jr. danced like his life depended on it, it didn’t but this was currently the most fun that he had partook in in quite awhile. His life recently had been merc job after cargo hauling job after bounty hunting job for the last few...
Location: Castell - The Solar Badger Tavern
Objective: Work
Tags: Rik Perris
The tavern was shabby but comfortable. It catered mostly to the factory workers coming off long shifts or getting ready to head in to even longer ones. It was loud and jubilant because on this planet there really...
Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice
Outfit - Bracelet - Heels
Zane Cameron
The recovery of Coruscant was underway as to be expected. Those souls that were dedicated to the task were diligent in their work.
But even the most diligent or dedicated soul needed a break from the constant...
Artist credit link
Never stains
Never gets dirty
Rips fix themselves
Weightless (Being made of shadow, it of course has no weight at all.)
Got you covered (As soon as desired, attire made of this will instantly reform on the wearer.)
Silk (Meant for...
Image credit: Midjourney AI
Seemingly unbreakable
Cold to the touch
Only one may wear it at a time
Gentle Night (Allows one to become shadow, slipping between the light to remain undetected or to flee. Any and all sources of shade can be jumped into, leaving no...
Tales in the Night
The Redoubt
Tags: Valery Noble, Efret Farr, Ridia Alma-Ater Solii, Ronhor Tillo, Inanna Harth, Die Shize, Open
"Refueling station is closed. Cloud of radiation moved in. They aren't lettin' folks in."
A party of wayward travelers found themselves within the depths of The...