Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    Private  Home

    Hooded and cloaked in crimson, a figure wearing traditional shaman garb stood walked the halls of the Shaman sanctuary. Her medallion chains lightly jingled on occasion, but she moved with mostly silence. Head low, she still felt immensely comforted by the familiar surroundings of the sanctuary...
  2. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    A Nightmare Come True

    Sometimes, Elise loathed being a shaman. She loathed the psychometry, the Force Empathy and memory walking she could not control. She loathed the effects of the Mother's Root, and how she was unable to properly own it compared to her full blooded peers. She loathed the burden, the weight of...
  3. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    Dead & Past

    <"Go!"> The squadron leapt out from the dropship, free falling through the cold air. Snowflakes fluttered around, matching the white Imperial armor of the Myrmidon Mandalorians. In the frost, jetpacks activated in burning flame as the squadron slowed their descent to the ground. Their boots...
  4. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    Character  Elise Viszla

    Alias Jac'Eli'Serum (Chiss name). Class(es) Civilian/ Novanian Shaman (Archais); Vod (Mandalorian) Birthplace Kestri. Age 20 Personality Traits Type A Big Dreamer, Big Planner Kind Hearted Energetic Spiritual Nature Loving Overachiever Stubborn MBTI Type ENFJ. Big Five Type...
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