Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vivi Irius

    Approved Melee Weapon  Ignis Impulsa

    Intent: A personal weapon for Vivi Irius to use against his foes while incorporating his Fytar ability to harness Novatrite and Explosive Fire. Image Source: Headers - Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Click - Scorpion (Only Source, A.I. Generated by User) Click - Ideogram A.I. Generation (The...
  2. Vivi Irius

    Character  Vivi Irius

    Alias: The Burning Star | The Light of Hope | Ember of the Stars | Shooting Star | The Black Knight Species: Novatar Age: Approximate 35,000 Years Old. Novatar Height: 8'0 Novatar Weight: Almost weightless, unknown exact weight. Hair color: Purple & Red. Eye color: Blue and Red...
  3. Rakvul

    Approved Tech  Novatrite Magnetic Barrier System

    Intent: To create an innovative shield system for use on Draelvasier & Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate Ships. Image Source: Headers - Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Deflector Shield Praetorian Guard Ray Shield Manufacturer: Draelvasier |...
  4. Sylok'Vanari

    Approved Species  Novatar

    Intent: To create a fleshed out species that exists from Neutron Stars that eventually are bound to a sacred location or place. Image Credit: Image #1 (Unable to find exact match) | Could be this Image Site? | All headers made by Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax | Canon: N/A Permissions: The...
  5. Sylok'Vanari

    Approved Tech  Novatrite

    Intent: To make a form of material that is manifested from the process of a dying star. To allow for Novatars having their Exoskeleton and a form of travel connected through Black Holes. Image Source: Image #1 | All headers are credit to Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Canon Link: N/A...
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