Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Braze

    Public  I Think We're Alone Now

    TAGS: Loomi // Dm before joining I Think We're Alone Now Braze settled down on the Mud Duck's cargo bay, a space that had been thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom, courtesy of Kaelos Vryn . The dimly lit bay was filled with the faint smell of fresh cleaning supplies and the distant hum of...
  2. Briana Sal-Soren

    LOA  It's time

    As some of you already know, my Grandmother in-law has not been doing well for a while and has been suffering from progressive supranuclear palsy. We had a scare back in April last year, but this time seems to be it, so I need to take a step back and be there for my family. I'm not sure how long...
  3. Thomas Barran

    Subfaction  Legion of the Maw (RECRUITING NOW) [DE/MK]

    [THEME] THE BLOODHOUND WIELDER OF THE PROMISE HEATHEN SAINT OF ROGUES AND OUTLAWS GREAT KHAN OF THE MAWSWORN TRIBES Greetings, young soldiers. Greetings from the Ark, from the Mawsworn Tribes. I am Thomas Barran, known to the Galaxy as the Bloodhound. And as Great Khan of the Maw, Heathen...
  4. Braze

    Private  This Can Be Your Home Now

    TAGS: Pitie Ever since Braze had met Pitie, he had been wondering how to help someone like her. He figured she would be a good person to start practicing with. She didn't know him the way his other peers did, and if he wanted to learn how to show more kindness, she seemed like an excellent...
  5. Tefka

    New Feature  Tingel Arm Coalition bling now available.

    Other factions, if you're looking to update, please submit soon! Now's a great time to take a look at those aesthetics. Uh, Staff team, or just generally interested party members, lets see about doing a contest to get some minor faction flair/username headers out there if there's demand for it...
  6. Sha'ri Sorkh

    LFG  Threat For Hire - Bounty Hunter Available Now!

    Hey all. I'd like for Sha'ri to get some bounty hunting experience through roleplay. Sha'ri is available for any given contracts - due to threats made on her only family, she will work relentlessly to hunt your dedicated victim. She is also great for security related gigs for the protection of...
  7. Veyko Agapoui

    LFG  Now, there are two of them!

    Greetings! As you might be aware, I write the Neimoidian Senator Lodd Grimmin on the site and many others involving the Trade Federation of Planets. Currently, I am crafting a new Neimoidian character who holds a position within the Dark Empire's Imperial Ruling Council, overseeing the...
  8. Darth Halitus

    LOA  I Take My Leave For Now

    I have to take a LOA due to mental health. Its serious. I have notified those of you I am RPing with in DM. May The Force Be With You All, Halitus, Veikis, Raz Azule, Sunyia, Mara Palpatine, and Co
  9. Aris Noble

    Faction  Casual Fisticuffs (Whatever the Paddy Pack is called now)

    Veridia had become one of Aris's preferred hangouts over the past few months. It was quiet, peaceful. More importantly alive. Coruscant was great and all, but the urban concrete jungle just wasn't a place he liked to stay. Here though, he could enjoy the sounds and smells of nature without...
  10. Adeline Noctua

    LFG  The Yalara academy is now open!

    The academy is now open! An interesting place to cook up stories, arcs, or even regret your choices! But what is this place about? Well you see, Adeline (Or Darth Keres if you so prefer.) has spent many years now playing with undeath while also opening her mind like a gateway in order to see...
  11. A

    Public  I Was Blind Now I See

    The Togruta floated in the pool of Harmony, there her lekku tentecales spread out like a starfish and she closer her eyes. Master Mira had taught her to be still, to use the water as she bobbed in it to see, to look beneath the curtain of The Force. Her swimming dress was a fine teal, like...
  12. Tefka

    New Feature  Dev Thread Prefix Now Available

    No rules attached to it as of right now, but it's there to help you track your roleplay threads that reinforce your factory/codex items. Available in the Open RP, Private RP, and RP Discussion forums.
  13. A

    Private  Are You Now Entertained

    Loovria. A planet that was so far out of the way that Aedric typically wouldn't even think of travelling to, if not for a single fact. Gladiator Pits. Perhaps there was easier and closer options for him, but Aedric wasn't one to plan that far ahead, and so he found someone willing to take him...
  14. Jim Pehico

    Now looking for Factions

    Hi everyone, thanks again for welcoming me back into the community! Now that I have some personal threads I'm looking to engage in the community even further and am looking to expand into factions again! Once again I'm currently up to write for 3 of my characters. Jim Pehico is a 24-year-old...
  15. W

    LFG  Apocalypse Now: Let's make friends

    Hey there, Life day is approaching and while most will be busy observing the Sithmas Carol, some hopefully have space in their schedule for another thread. I am looking to establish new relations with Nyâsh, either for a single thread or long term relationship. Both sides of the spectrum...
  16. Jax Thio

    LFG  Bummed right now and I'm in desperate need of threads

    Hey guys, Let's just get this out of the way, for the past few months I've been struggling with my muse mainly because I've been working at my job. Well, on Monday I was told I had been terminated from my job and I've been out of it emotionally for the past couple of days. I'm just looking for...
  17. Tefka

    New Feature  Keyword Watching Now Available

    As the Galactic Alliance trolls try to figure out if I'm mad or not, I just wanna say I do actually like, wanna improve this place. Maybe I'm right and ya'll should've went the Suggestion route to begin with, maybe ya'll are right and I would be too lazy to pay attention without flaming me. The...
  18. Amani Serys

    Private  The Doctor Will See You Now

    Medical Center Tython had been something of a wake-up call. But even in the wake of such a climactic event, days continued to pass, the galaxy continued to spin onward. And though the battle remained deeply ingrained in Amani's memory, her more zealous, reactionary impulses had died down in...
  19. Katia Alkas

    Private  The Future is Now

    FOREMANRY, ATIRAK CITY | HAMRA MIDDAY TAG: Hester Shedo CLOCKS The frontier. Kat was no stranger to it. Her work often took her to the backwaters to set up business. It's those backwaters most in need of some kind of infrastructure or sustainability. Hamra was no different. Well...
  20. Ishani Dinn

    LFG  So now that I'm dead, we should meet!

    Ishani recently, uh, well, died during the annihilation of Tython. Literally. She got blown up and thrown down a chasm. This isn't the end of her story, however. Before I move on to the next chapter, I'd like to see what I can do with her while she's dead. Her spirit is in the Netherworld...
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