Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Credius Nargath

    Approved Starship  NZ Tyrant IV- Class Suppression Cruiser

    Image Source: [X] Permissions: HPI, FAE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION STRUCTURE: Length: 1,000m Width: 380m (widest point of missile ring), Height: 220m Tiber-II/MP Class Modular Starship Superstructure Matrix Armor - Trimantium Hull Tungstoïd steel reinforced, ablative and angular Ersteel SLCA...
  2. Credius Nargath

    Approved Tech  NZ SSP-SEPTIMUS [Shield system Package]

    IMG Source: [X] SPECIAL FEATURES NZ SS-1 Primera Shield System NZ SS-2eks Secunda Shield System NZ SS-3TR Shield System Xythan Force Shield Deflector Shields Atmospheric-Friction Shield Ion Shield Particle Shield Molecular Shielding Overlay Feedback Shield Double Front Capacity ZEUS Mk II...
  3. Credius Nargath

    Approved Starship  NZ SD Tiber LM SY900 "Brother Bear"

    Image Source: [X] Permissions: HPI: [X], FAE [X] TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION STRUCTURE: Length 1200m, Width 480m, Height 180m Tiber-II/LM Class Modular Starship Superstructure Matrix Armor - Trimantium Hull Added Seigurium X reinforced Ersteel SLCA secondary plating Added Tungstoïd steel...
  4. Tertius C. Nargath

    Approved Starship  NZ Aquilla I - Class RSC/EL

    Image Source: Bing Permissions: HPI, FAE, N&Z Open Market Uses: HPI, FAE, Jeager Solutions TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS STRUCTURE: Length: 1500m, Width: 1200m (500m central structure), Height: 480m Tiber-II/LM Modular Starship Superstructure Matrix Armor - Trimantium Hull Added Tunqstoid steel...
  5. Credius Nargath

    Approved Starship  NZ Trident SY-760

    Image Source: [X] Permissions: HPI, FAE STANDARD FEATURES STRUCTURE: Length: 200m, Width: 84m, height: 48m Ersteel SLCA hull with Druetium reinforcements Tungstoïd steel reinforced Ersteel SLCA skeletal structure Seigurium X secondary plating Ersteel SLCA primary, ablative angular plating...
  6. Tertius C. Nargath

    Approved Location  N&Z New Cov Liitius Domed Facility

    Image Source: [X] Permissions: HPI, FAE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a fully fleshed out N&Z facility located on New Cov Image Credit: [X] steam workshop, no artist credit found, [X] AI generated, [X] AI generated, [X] Deviantart, [X] AI generated with openart, [X] AI...
  7. Matsu Ike

    Auction  SSB Auction (Sasori, Squib, Baktoid, N&Z Umbrella Corporation)

    Location: The Exchange The most beautiful scene was here... the SSB had returned and that brought many things.. all of it the greatest Fanfare since Danger's events always delivered some of the rarest and most exotic across the galaxy. They had screens flickering to life as the displays were...
  8. Tertius C. Nargath

    Approved Tech  NZ GTG-01 Wristmounted Multipurpose Maneuvrability Device

    Image Source: [X] Permissions: HPI, FAE STANDARD FEATURES: Ersteel SLCA casing with Reinforced Quinta-Polycarbonite Lamellar Compound coating Ersteel 12231 Spool-core Alloyplast spool casings Duraflex insulation Kaldrweave glove with Enviroweave insulation layer. Modular ammunition Ersteel...
  9. Tertius C. Nargath

    N&Z Laboratories

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: [X] selfmade with AI and pixlr Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N&Z Umbrella Corporation CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: N&Z Laboratories Headquarters: Eriadu - New Cov Locations: Eriadu Erinar New Cov Operations: Bio engineering...
  10. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Ranged Weapon  NZ/BP-45 Heavy Blaster Pistol "Pistis"

    (ARTIST) OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation (see permissions) Ersteel 1333 Quinta-Polycarbonite Lamellar Compound SPECIAL FEATURES Modularity: The Pistis can add or swap out some parts This weapon has a mounting rail underneath the barrel for lasers...
  11. Karl Von Strauss

    Karl's N&Z Pre-Factory

  12. Credius Nargath

    Approved Location  N&Z PF One [Erinar "Prototype" Power plant and Fuel refinery facility]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a basic template in the form of a prototype facility which can act as the basis for future location codex' with the same principle energy and resource manufacturing capacity. Image Credit: [X] stable diffusion Canon: N/A Permissions: - Links: -...
  13. Credius Nargath

    Approved Lore  N&Z Security, Security Services Subdivision

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a organization lay out for one of the N&Z Security division's subdivisions. In this case The Security Services, which in its basic operations isn't much different from the N&Z Internal Security Subdivision, but simply changes their targets from...
  14. Credius Nargath

    Approved Lore  N&Z Security Division, Internal Security SubDivision

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a organization lay out for one of the N&Z Security division's subdivisions. In this case the internal security, which will be used as setpieces for N&Z locations and as standard issue bodyguards for N&Z personel bar the members of house Nargath...
  15. Credius Nargath

    Credius N&Z Codex Write ups

  16. Credius Nargath

    Credius N&Z Factory pre-subs

  17. N&Z Umbrella Corporation

    N&Z Umbrella Corporation

    Welcome to the N&Z, We bring you excellent quality and enormous quantity to satisfy your every industrial and military need. For more information and a list of our products, visit our storefront at : N&Z Catalogue and Storefront with regards, N&Z Umbrella Corporation chairman, Tertius C...
  18. Tertius C. Nargath

    N&Z SD [Security Division]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: [X] selfmade Canon Link: - Primary Source: [X] CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: N&Z Security Division Headquarters: Eriadu Locations: Eriadu Seswanna Lianna Cathar [Training facility] Schesa [Training facility] Coruscant [Internal...
  19. Credius Nargath

    Approved Droid  NZ ZMDIII WB/1

    Image source: [X] Permissions: HPI [X], FAE [X] STANDARD FEATURES Proton Mk I Droid Brain NZ T.o.P. 1 Tactical Order Package NZ SSTC Type-II [Soft Slicer Technology Coupler] NZ RAS-1 Missile Propulsion system FAE/U-02 "Eleleth" Ultralight Propulsion System Repulsor Lift NZ MAM MkII Jet...
  20. Credius Nargath

    Approved Tech  NZ SLAB-01 SubLight AfterBurner

    Image source: [X] Permissions: HPI [X], FAE [X] STANDARD FEATURES Ersteel 145 Clamps Ersteel 145 nozzle operating sleeve Ersteel 145 Variable propelling nozzle Seigurium Jetpipes Laminasteel Redirection tubes Coldoan copper wiring Electrum plating Standard Electronic parts Pressurized Gas tank...
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