Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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oh my

  1. Zanami

    Approved Melee Weapon  Zanami's Little Shockers

    Image Credit: XX Force Lightning Alchemized Blade: The blade's edge is constructed from Madog steal, making it extremely durable and nearly unbreakable, while giving the blade a razor-sharp edge that can cut through most known materials and metals. Also, the blades have infused with...
  2. Tarre Priest

    Private  Droids, Weapons, Ships, Oh My!

    Undisclosed Deep Space Aboard the Forge of Iron The crew of the modified Crusader-Class came to the projected meeting place. A point in space in which was far from anything else in the Galaxy. The meeting here was to be on neutral ground to give an air of selected neutrality. Aboard was Drego...
  3. Sag'etare Baracco

    Private  Spice, Pirates, Violence, Oh My!

    Space. The final frontier. The expanse. That ocean so vast. Sailors sail it at their own peril. The good. The bad. And the ugly. So many species, really, and one need not be specieist to believe that the Chevin was a pretty kriffing ugly thing. At least, one person did think, it was his opinion...
  4. I

    What is In This Hex?

    Somewhere in Hex Q-38 Aboard the Ravager, Finality-Class Supertransport The groan of the starship's hull and the slow drip of leaking coolant told him he was still in the cargo hold. The moans and muffled sobs of those around him reminded him he was still in hell. Like many of the people...
  5. Darth Vulcanus

    Behold the Black Sabath [Nightsisters of Dathomir, Open]

    The black waters were writhing this night. Across all of Dathomir's withered surface, the rivers beat against the rocks and flowed upon the land; washing away careless children and drowning the grown in their sleep. This was the pulse of the mother world returning, it's energy rising through...
  6. Naomi Carolina

    Fistful of Swoon

    [member="Aela Talith"] "You reckon her eyes will glow or somethin?" The redhead chattered as her fingers ran down the landing sequences to the alliance u-wing. The small outpost in Barkesh hadn't really provided the teen any opportunities to meet Jedi before. Course there were always rumors of...
  7. Mythos

    Even Kings need Doctors

    It had been years since Mythos set out of Atrisia, faking his own death and hitting the galaxy hard in a quest to become stronger than ever before... yet there was an issue. Mythos had been severed from the force in the battle of Lujo and even before that he had sustained a massive amount of...
  8. K

    The warfare life for me....battle gear for all.

    The more time Cole spent with the Mandalorians the more he seemed to gravitate towards some of the things they held important. A big one was the armor. Cole normally just wore something light and flexible to maintain the speed at which he preferred to fight. The problem was in the fights the...
  9. 50H31

    Species of note (AKA the Bestiary)

    In the same vein as the threads listing our available weaponry and ships, I'm going to use this thread to track the various native life forms in the factory related to primeval space. Why? Because [member="Einar Shadowmane"] made a cool horse in pre-factory and we already have giant space crabs...
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