Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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old republic

  1. Matsu Ike

    Approved Location  Jewels of the Ba'lands

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify several Sasori locations Image Credit: Jewels of the Old Republic Old Republic Mint Canon: Jewels of the Old Republic Permissions: N/A Links: Great Works Lina Soh Galactic Financial Report Ba'land Currency SETTING INFORMATION City Name...
  2. Matsu Ike

    Approved Location  Jewel's of the Old Republic

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify several Sasori locations Image Credit: Jewels of the Old Republic Old Republic Mint Canon: Jewels of the Old Republic Permissions: N/A Links: Great Works Lina Soh Galactic Financial Report Ba'land Currency SETTING INFORMATION City Name...
  3. Lord Darkstalker

    Campaign  Dark Side Awakening (Legends) (Knights of the Old Republic)

    Ignore this I made it when I first joined
  4. Franaar Penntru

    Character  Franaar Penntru, Admiral of the Galactic Republic

    Franaar Penntru "My allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!" Age 49 Species Human Gender Male Height 1.8m Weight 85kg Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION At 49 years old, he commands attention with his 1.8-meter-tall frame, lean and well-muscled from years of military...
  5. MPMSonOfMan

    LFG  Another 'Sent to the Future' Idea? (Alliance/Republic)

    I recently saw a thread of some people doing some time foolery with Confederacy of Independent Systems ships. I was intrigued, and was thinking of doing something with the Old Republic ships, on their way to a battle. They would be a few hundred years before the Treaty of Coruscant, so nearly...
  6. Laphisto

    Approved Tech  Sentinel Droid [ Old republic era]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating a droid adversary for treasure hunters, enhancing their expedition challenges Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Battle droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kellenech Technologies Affiliation: Open Market...
  7. DeadpoolMLP

    Question  Old Republic Era Astromech Concept

    Working on a sub for an astromech that's supposed to be from waaaaaaaay back in the Great sith War era that my character came across in an old jedi tomb, need some help from someone more familiar with star wars tech (especially in regards to chaos) than I am.
  8. Minuteman75

    Discussion  SWTOR Curiosity

    Hey agin folks. For sometime I have been watching clips and playthroughs of Star Wars the Old Republic game. Due to the lack of the proper gaming platform I‘m not able to play it myself but admittedly I‘m intrigued about it. So I want to ask any fellow writers who had played Old Republic a few...
  9. Briana Sal-Soren

    Approved Tech  Briana Sal-Soren's Lightsaber

    Intent: Create a lightsaber for Briana Sal-Soren Image Source: Todd Cadwell Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Permission from Valery Primary Source: Lightsaber Components Lightsaber Resistant Materials Lightsaber Crystals Metals Manufacturer: Valery Noble Affiliation: Briana Sal-Soren Market...
  10. Valery Noble

    Valery Noble — Chapter I

  11. O

    Character  Oriadne Hallas

    IDENTITY BIOLOGY NAME Oriadne Methalan Hallas OTHER NAMES Ori, Addy TITLE(S) Jedi General RANK Jedi Master BIRTHPLACE Morellia GENDER Female MARITAL STATUS Single FORCE SENSITIVE Yes ALIGNMENT Light to Gray SPECIES Morellian BIRTH YEAR 220 BBY SEX Female HEIGHT 5'6" (169 cm) WEIGHT 143 lbs...
  12. Caltin Vanagor

    Relics of an old Republic

    Was thinking of doing a sort of sub-sect of the Silvers based on the apparent (and welcome) influx of characters around during the Clone Wars, be it just living through it or frozen on an ice world or in stasis. Any interest?
  13. Darth Necrin

    Approved Lore  Veradun holocron

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a holocron made by Darth Malgus to be used in a personnal story Image Credit: Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Holocron Name: Veradun Alignment...
  14. Kroran

    Awakening a Jedi (RP Idea)

    Kroran has been in Cryostasis sleep for decades, the world around him changing and the Tomb that he was buried in those many years ago on Tython has remained abandoned reclaimed by the wild life. Would any Jedi or Sith dare to awaken this ancient Sith Jedi? (If you wish to join this RP just...
  15. Kroran


    NAME: Kroran FACTION: Jedi Order RANK: Jedi Consular SPECIES: Sith AGE: 45 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'7" WEIGHT: 203 lbs EYES: Crimson Red and Yellow HAIR: Black SKIN: Red FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  16. Kroran

    Kroran (WIP)

    NAME: Kroran FACTION: Jedi Order RANK: Jedi Consular SPECIES: Sith AGE: 45 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'7" WEIGHT: 203 lbs EYES: Crimson Red and Yellow HAIR: Black SKIN: Red FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  17. Tersen Merrick

    Sith Empire's return to Mandalore

    (OOC: open to any Sith and the Mandalorian Clans) As the Imperial Assault Shuttle, made it way down the to the surface of Mandalore, the thoughts running through the Sith behind the controls could only be summarized as comfort. Tersen was wanting to bring the alliance of the Mandalorians, and...
  18. Krennic Drakkar

    Krennic Drakkar

    Name: Krennic Drakkar Age: 20 Sex: Male Species:Human Homeworld:Murkhana Weight:120 Lbs Hair Color:Black Eye Color:Brown Force Sensitive:Yes Biography: Krennic Drakkar was born on Murkhana during a time in which the Galaxy was at peace. Murkhana was a prospering world,and he was born...
  19. Xyl'Myrr

    Voidhound's Den

    The faint wheeze of the airlock doors was a mere whisper against the uproar that awaited beyond. The wily patrons of the lone port were well-used to their revelry. A den it was to every manner of smuggler, scoundrel, scavenger, runaway and well-mannered pirate as was allowed by the newly...
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