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outer rim development corps

  1. Jacen Terrik

    Mission  A Flame in Your Heart | LAW Mission to Yumfla

    A FLAME IN YOUR HEART LAW MISSION TO YUMFLA OBJECTIVE 1: No Other Will Do Suggested for Spacers, ORDC, Medics & Humanitarians The vicious Fires of Susefvi were thankfully short-lived, dissipating under the tropical rains and ocean spray, but the scars left by the Sith still remain. Yumfla...
  2. Aerin Denno

    Factory  Outer Rim Supply Co.

    Outer Rim Supply Company OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: [HERE] Canon Link: [HERE] Primary Source: [n/a] CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Outer Rim Supply Company Headquarters: Horizon Base Locations: Kabal Reklam Station, Yarma Sevarcos Stobar Operations: Outer Rim...
  3. Blakely Moore

    Faction  [LAW] Always Bet on Losing Dogs

    ALWAYS BET ON LOSING DOGS The fall of the Rimward Trade League was swift and devastating, precipitated by a relentless three-front invasion from the Sith along the western reaches of the nation. With the capital world of Susefvi engulfed in flames and the Jedi Coalition on Dagobah disbanded...
  4. Jun Chiyo

    Private  Dog Days Are Over

    Tags: Inhye Location: ADRAS Jun dropped into her chair with a sigh, sinking into the worn-yet-comfortable cushion. Her bones ached from toiling in the sand, her eyes were itchy and tired. Taking a nice, cool shower sounded like a dream but the effort to make it happen was too overwhelming...
  5. Inhye Oh-chai

    Character  Traitor Turned Toiler :: Inhye Oh-chai

    Inhye riding her horse Saerounachim through the mountains near her ORDC homestead fa-play fa-pause Biological Name: Inhye Oh-chai Aliases: Hye | close friends Auntie | children in Nezan Species: Human > Atrisian Gender: Female Age: 24 Height: 1.78 m Build: Slim, strong Eyes: Dark brown...
  6. Aerin Denno

    ORDC & Spacers Alliance (Info & Roster)

    CIVILIAN DIVISIONS "That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love." ―Rose Tico Life in the Outer Rim is harsh and unforgiving. Planets are wild, untamed, and uncharted. Flora and fauna can be deadlier than any bounty hunter. Hyperlanes are patrolled by pirates...
  7. Aeshi Tillian

    The Civilians: Outer Rim Development Corps, Merchant-Spacers, Free Traders

    OUTER RIM DEVELOPMENT CORPS Cooperatio est fortituda nostra (Cooperation is our strength) The Corps is a hybrid government/non-governmental humanitarian organization committed to building up worlds on the frontier left neglected by the great powers of the galaxy. They build infrastructure...
  8. Xam Jubb

    Character  Xam Jubb

    NAME: Xam Jubb FACTION: Rimward Trade League, Outer Rim Development Corps RANK: SPECIES: Sullustan AGE: 35 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.5 meters WEIGHT: 65kg EYES: Large and dark HAIR: Just earflaps SKIN: tan? FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum)...
  9. Tales of the Outer Rim

    Dominion  The secret to a good relationship... (RTL Dominion of Praesitlyn)

    PRAESITLYN SLUIS SECTOR RIMWARD TRADE LEAGUE JOINT PROJECT OUTER RIM DEVELOPMENT CORPS LEAD ================================================ Parental relationships. Romantic relationships. Business partnerships. All were crucial and fundamental partnerships that society relied on to...
  10. Aeshi Tillian

    Campaign  Life is a Hyperlane...

    Bohatei Chorva Sasmay Cull Spek Zhio Kyra Perl Give me sure, strong sign. Give me clear, steady sight. With a heart that aims for home, give me wisdom not to stray. May my stars align as I sail through this dark night, And chart the course of my own Hydian Way. NEW CENTARES SPACEPORT Aeshi...
  11. Aeshi Tillian

    Faction Ad  The Rimward Trade League- For a Brighter, Better Outer Rim The Rimward Trade League is a joint effort by a variety of autonomous worlds that maintain their own independence while working together to run joint initiatives to increase the safety of civilian space traffic, operate a search and rescue/law enforcement fleet...
  12. Mya Jesel

    Outer Rim Manufacturing Union

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Outer Rim Manufacturing Union Headquarters: Susefvi Locations: Susefvi, Sevarcos, Svivren, Elshandruu Pica Operations: Shipbuilding, Spacefaring Technology, Heavy...
  13. Mya Jesel

    Public  To the Future! (Outer Rim Development Corps Public Event)

    YUMFLA, SUSEFVI Presidential Hall =============== Everything was ready and the people were coming. The legislation had been passed, the budget approved, and the official documentation and appointments secured. At midnight local time, the Outer Rim Development Corps would officially exist...
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