Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Alina Tremiru

    First Reply  An Embrace Of Pain

    Pain was power. It was a lesson taught to her by Darth Carnifex all that time ago. Freedom from it's control over her reactions was the first lesson. The numbness, the lack of focus when pain shocked the mind. Utilizing the focus was the second. The hyperawareness of being brought to the brink...
  2. Hit²

    Character  HIT² - Twice the Pain, Double the Heartbreak

    Now Playing - BRAZILIAN DANÇA PHONK [Image Credit: Hatsumi Sen] HIT² Age 27 Species Human Gender Male Height 182 cm Weight 80 kg Force Sensitive True PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Hit is an imposing and rugged man. His hair is dark, long and frayed at the ends, with hints of silver...
  3. Braze

    Private  Pushing Through Pain

    TAGS: Aris Noble Braze was in the training hall, utilizing a set of stools and a bench he had brought with him for this specialized set of training. He was doing his stretches and trying to take them to the next level. Floor splits were no longer a challenge for him; he was at the point...
  4. Ulysses Renoux

    Private  Pain is a Reminder || Deyanira Draco

    H O U S E • R E N O U X Wearing: xxx Tag: Deyanira Draco Pain was a sensation that reminded the one who felt it that their injury had not killed them. Often it made them feel as though they wanted to. Ulysses was not an exception. The blaster bolt which had torn through his chest had missed...
  5. Faith Organa

    Private  I know your pain - Consulate building

    Faith had asked to come out and visit with Isla Draellix after all that had happened Faith had to admit that she had been remiss in coming and talking with Isla. Theo had come home an told her what had happened to Tiresh Kobitana fathers it was known across the galaxy what had happened to...
  6. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Royal Pain

    Jedi Temple, Coruscant Kai was troubled. This was nothing new for him, given the tumultuous course of his life since infancy. He seemed to always be dealing with some new issue that had sprung up overnight, a conundrum or dilemma with no easy answers. He had come to the Temple to blow off some...
  7. Aiko Hayata

    CHRONO - ISSUE 6 - The Atrisian Tiger -

  8. DECEASED Erskine Barran

    Faction  Ravelin (Revelry and Pain) [NIO/Enclave]

    RAVELIN (REVELRY AND PAIN) THE PAST A city of dreams, but if you walk down the wrong side-street, or into the wrong bar - the stuff of ultraviolent nightmares. From Nirauan to the frontier-planet of Bastion, both famed and forsakenly-remembered alike as the new Imperial capital, the new...
  9. Valiy Ordoxiy Saren

    LFG  Path of Pain and Glory

    Hello everyone! I am looking for any potential public or private rps revolving around defeating extremely strong force users, battles of large to medium scale and hunting down Jedi's who stepped down from the true path of the Force. Feel free to dm me if you need any more details as I am still...
  10. Sylvia Virtos


    We Never Asked For This Locked away in darkness. Chained. Exhausted. Hungry. Thirsty. Slowly, Sylvia had gotten used to it all. The solitude was preferable over anytime Carnifex decided to torment her again, for at least she had peace and quiet. It was here where she found small moments of...
  11. A

    Dominion  The Truth in Pain | SE Dominion of Ossus

    The light has faded on Ossus. Now and forever. The planet burns following the Sith Eternal strike at the world, it's surface pulsing with the darkness left behind. Yet the plan to taint the surface of the world had failed, the obelisk being purified and shattered during the Red Dragon's plummet...
  12. Darth Empyrean

    Faction  The Strength in Pain │ Sith Eternal

    The Royal Academy Korriban 865ABY The days at the academy had grown relatively quiet after the invasion of Ossus. With so many of the acolytes brought from the security of Korriban to the frontlines to help strengthen the weakpoints of the Eternal's crusade down the Permian Hyperlane, there had...
  13. Delsin Shaw

    Approved Tech  The Dark Prince's Death

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create weapons for the use of an insulting assassination, or killing of a person. Otherwise, cause pain. Lots of Pain. Image Source: Imgur - Mistborn Daggers Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: ​Shikkar Dagger Prince Rupert's Drop PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  14. Akio Diachi

    For it all was but a Dream

    Her face was perfectly calm. Calm at last. There was no contortions of agony, no suffering in her once-glowing red eyes. The ever-present slick layer of sweat was gone from her perfect blue skin. If someone could see her now, they would have found it hard to believe the suffering she had gone...
  15. Metus De'cal

    Training the Mind and Body (Open to Anyone)

    As per his master's instruction, Metus had continued his training on his own through intense study and self-training when he was able. As of now the construction of his lightsaber was almost complete, and until it was the apprentice was usually practicing his hand-to-hand combat on the training...
  16. Vorhi Alestrani

    Young wounds on old souls (ask)

    [member="Feena Mason"] APPROXIMATELY 1 1/2 WEEKS AFTER THE BATTLE OF DRUCKENWELL Vorhi arrived on the doorsteps of the rather large manor--or was it a palace--as he sighed and knocked on the door. The gate was locked, but easy to hop. He had no doubt that at leas some security systems were...
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