Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vemric Keldra

    Charter of The Confederacy

    CHARTER OF THE CONFEDERACY PREAMBLE We, the sovereign worlds of the Outer Rim, desiring to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in our region, do hereby establish this Charter for the Confederacy, with Rothana as our capital. ARTICLE I: PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES 1.1. The purpose of the...
  2. Laertia Io

    Private  The Parliament

    Wearing: Cultist Catsuit Armed with: Nothing. Aboard: Adrian-Class Star Healer The Parliament had lain in her bed for days in shock as the reports piled in. Betrayed by Arianna. By her sons. By her daughters. She didn't understand. Even now, she didn't understand. If they had such a...
  3. T

    Faction  Conference at Kynachi || Parliament of Autonomous Systems ||

    THE PARLIAMENT OF AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS The Galaxy Was Constant War The entire history of the galaxy could be summarized with a single word Warfare as citizens lost their lives in the constant struggle for galactic supremacy as various galactic superpowers such as the Galactic Empire, New...
  4. M

    LFG  The Parliament of Autonomous Systems

    The Parliament of Autonomous Systems Greetings! Members Old and New of Chaos As you may no doubt be aware there is a New Faction that is in the making!!! The Parliament of Autonomous Systems which is a exciting take on an old star wars classic the Confederacy of Independent Systems which...
  5. Parliament of Autonomous Systems

    Parliament of Autonomous Systems

    PARLIAMENT OF AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS [PAS] The State of the Galaxy is Chaotic and Without Proper Establishment The Parliament of Autonomous Systems was formed to meet the needs of the average citizens within the galaxy which are ignored by the larger powers and dragged into conflict after...
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