Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Lycus Merita

    283rd Air-Assault Pathfinder Battalion

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an air assault Battalion for the 76th Pathfinder Regiment Image Credit: Black Hawk Down Role: Air Assault Unit for the 76th Pathfinder Regiment Permissions: Permission from Rara Gowisi, Permission from Vulpesen, Permission from Vuull, the rest...
  2. R

    Character  Renodar Wolfherat Sliver Jedi pathfinder

    NAME: Renodar Wolfheart FACTION: Sliver Jedi RANK: Jedi Knight Sentinal Pathfinder SPECIES: Aelvar AGE: 230 GSY SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6ft 1in WEIGHT: 210 lbs EYES: Brown HAIR: dark brown SKIN: Cacusain with a slight greenish hue FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes FORCE POWERS...
  3. Tefka

    Discussion  Any Tabletop RPG Groups around, like D&D/Pathfinder? How are you liking it?

    My interest recently in D&D/Pathfinder has grown considerably over the past couple of months, as I've joined two groups in playing and continue to enjoy this renaissance of RPG. I haven't played in nearly a decade and I'm beginning to remember why it was so fun. I'm even looking at expanding my...
  4. Pathfinder

    Character  SST-E54 ''Pathfinder''

    PATHFINDER fa-play fa-pause TITLE INFORMATION REAL NAME: First United Astral Engineering Rampart Automaton SST-E54, "Pathfinder" STATUS: Active OCCUPATION(S): Battle Automaton (formerly) Explorer (currently) AFFILIATION(S): The Agents of Chaos (formerly) None (currently)...
  5. Adaz

    Character  Marn'Adaz'Arrarc

    Name: Marn'Adaz'Arrarc Age: 21 Homeworld Csilla Faction Brotherhood of the Maw Weight: 200 LBS Height: 5'9 Skin color: Purple Hair color: Black with Blue Highlights Eye color: Red (left) Cybernetic (right) Force Sensitive: Unknown Biography: Marn'Adaz'Arrarc was born near the epicenter of...
  6. Sol Stazi

    Major Faction Fubar

    If everything is exploding around you, that's probably us. Enlist in the 76th
  7. Spirit of Faith

    Major Faction Currahee

    Stand Alone, Together. Enlist in the 76th
  8. Madalena Antares

    A Red Rose Chain

    Kamino. Madalena had not returned to the planet since that day that she had been brought into her body upon it. It had been a hard ordeal, one that had almost ended with both her and her sister dead, and she had hoped that it would be a good while longer before she ever had reason to come back...
  9. Kal Dewan

    Kal Dewan

    NAME: Kal Dewan FACTION: The Galactic Alliance HOMEWORLD: Corellia RANK: Specialist (Pathfinder) SPECIES: Human AGE: 33 standard years SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.9 m WEIGHT: 209 Ibs EYES: Azure HAIR: Fair SKIN: Caucasian VOICE SAMPLE: Chris Hemsworth FORCE SENSITIVE: N/A. TRAITS...
  10. Corey's OOC

    Kyle Farnes

    Accessing Galactic Alliance Personnel Database… … ... Pathfinder Records… … … Accessing File… Name: Kyle Farnes Faction: Galactic Alliance Rank: Specialist (Pathfinder) Age: 25 Sex: Male Height: 5’10 Weight: 156lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Dirty Blonde Skin: Tanned Force Sensitive: Negative...
  11. Esaat Kopos

    Esaat Kopos

    NAME: Esaat Kopos FACTION: Galactic Alliance Military, 7/2nd Pathfinders RANK: Specialist SPECIES: Mandalorian AGE: 36 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5' 7" WEIGHT: 170 lbs. BUILD: Bulky and athletic, likely an alumnus of the School of Hard Knocks EYES: Blue HAIR: Black, usually kept cut below half of...
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