Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kaleleon

    To the Dog Park! *Pets are Welcome*

    N A B O O Swamps & Grasslands Holding onto the rather large bone that Narma had quite the attraction to, and tossed it as far as I possibly could. Still perplexing me, I could feel a little twinge of joy in my chest. However, it seemed different. Innocent, and ignorance. As though I could truly...
  2. Luther Lewis

    Mechanical Menagerie - Avery Designs

    Hello, and welcome to the Menagerie! Here you will find a wide variety of imitation-animal droids. Designs for each 'animal' have been made with both civilian and military customers, so be careful to read the relevant information! Droids are designed and manufactured by Avery Designs. All...
  3. Cassandra Paige

    Approved Species  Pup'ata

    [float right][/float] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To fulfill a special order for [member="Mythos"] and TAE ​Image Credit: Antubis0 | GenPals Logos created by me. Canon: Tuk’ata Links: Created by GenPals GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Pup’ata Designation: Semi-Sentient...
  4. Cassandra Paige

    Approved Species  Coral Cuties

    [float right][/float] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new GenPal for their ‘Aquatics’ line. ​Image Credit: Chatsticker | GenPals Logos created by me. Canon: N/A Links: Created by GenPals GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Coral Cuties ™ Designation: Non-Sentient...
  5. Cassandra Paige

    Approved Species  SeaSnugs

    [float right][/float] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new GenPal for their new ‘Aquatics’ line. ​Image Credit: QVI, bananamantis, CitrusFoam, Fumi-Lex, GenPals Logos created by me. Canon: N/A Links: Created by GenPals GENERAL INFORMATION Name: SeaSnugs ™...
  6. Cassandra Paige

    Approved Species  Griffriends and Grifflets

    [float right][/float] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new GenPal for their ‘Originals’ line. ​Image Credit: Peregyr, T. Kingfisher, Audrey Gonzalez, GenPals Logos created by me. Canon: N/A Links: Griffins Created by GenPals GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Griffriends ™ and...
  7. Cassandra Paige

    Approved Species  Vornskrill

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new GenPal for the ‘Personal Security' Line, and sub a part of the T4 project for the company. ​Image Credit: GenPals Logos created by me. Canon: Vornskr Strill Links: Created by GenPals GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Vornskrill maximus...
  8. Cassandra Paige

    Approved Species  Darth Ansirrian's SnuggleSnek

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To fulfill the custom order placed by [member="Darth Ansirrian"] ​Image Credit: Artist: PailKnight, GenPals Logos created by me. Canon: N/A Links: Created by GenPals GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Squamata Sythus...
  9. Cassandra Paige

    Approved Species  SnuggleSneks

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To introduce the first GenPal in their ‘GenPals Originals’ line. ​Image Credit: Artist: Cranberry Soap , GenPals Logos created by me. Canon: N/A Links: Created by GenPals GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Squamata...
  10. Cassandra Paige


    GenPals inc. Corporate Headquarters located on Etti IV Whether it's miniature versions of familiar favorites Or unique pets created to suit your lifestyle GenPals is just right for you. Pick Friends. Pick Family. Pick GenPals. We have formulated the ideal nutrition for your GenPals pet...
  11. Eldaah Aderyn

    Approved Species  Maelridae

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Sithspawn pet to act as a test for Sith Acolytes ​Image Credit: "Xenomorph Rex" by Unknown Artist on Canon: N/A Links: None GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Maelridae Designation...
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