Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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pew pew pew

  1. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Tech  F-11E Blaster Rifle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a modernized variant of the classic F-11D Blaster rifle that is unique to the First Order. Image Source: Wookieepedia, F-11D Blaster Rifle Canon Link: Primary Source: F-11D Blaster Rifle...
  2. Amos

    Breakout Kings

    Alliance Prison Barge A23 - The Cage Bright vibrant light burned from the bulbs above him, a searing sort of white that was accented by the burning red of the ray shield just ahead of him. The lights never turned off, the shield never wavered, and everything remained exactly the same. Every now...
  3. Alric Kuhn

    Approved Tech  VT-Tyr Class Combat Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a specialty droid Image Source: Peet-B Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: Vanir RM Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Vanir Technologies Model: VT-Tyr Class Combat Droid Production: Limited Affiliation: Closed-Market...
  4. Cenric Marus

    Survival With A Pyne

    Celanon - Spaceport [member="Mariya Pyne"] Cenric frowned slightly, his lips thinning as he watched the small crowd shuffling around outside of the restaurant. He wasn't dressed in his usual Jedi Robes, instead he had donned the outfit of a...well a normal civilian. A simple jacket, some...
  5. Coratanni Cartel

    Bad Ideas

    Coruscant [member="Kiber Dorn"] Drugs. Spice, deathsticks, ixetallic, they were what fueled Coruscant. Whether the public wanted to admit it or not, whether the Alliance would ever acknowledge it didn't matter. Drugs of all sorts ran as freely on Coruscant as water did on Dac. Every corner...
  6. F

    Serve the Bloodwine [CSDF][ME]

    Zonju V [hr] Zoronhed, Undisclosed Location [member="Ayhia Katar"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Kaden Mantis"] | [member="Cynthia Raxis"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] Fiolette flicked the end of the cigarra into the ashtray. Dressed in her Temple best...
  7. Alistair Fenn

    Alistair Fenn

    SPECIES: Human AGE: 25 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.91m EYES: Hazel, Red HAIR: Black SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: No. [+]Scoundrel: Alistair is a scoundrel through and through, and his skillset reflects that. He's not particularly booksmart, he's not really a soldier, and he's by no means as wise as a...
  8. Alric Kuhn

    Approved Starship  VT-Ragnus Class Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand Vanir's selection of Spacecraft Image Source: AlpYro, [member="Jamie Pyne"] Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Me, I'm Great PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Vanir Technologies Model: VT-Ragnus Class Star Destroyer...
  9. Subject 37

    Looking Beneath the Covers[TGE/GA]

    Space Near Enarc Valerie sat quietly within the cockpit of her TIE Hunter, exposed wiring to her left and a dead console to her right. A scowl was painted on her otherwise pretty face, features only half hidden by a helmet that was decidedly stylized not after the famed Venom Guard's usual...
  10. Roderik von Brinkerhoff

    Roderik von Brinkerhoff

    Name: Roderik von Brinkerhoff Faction: The First Order Rank: Major, First Order Starfighter Corps Baron, First Order noble title Species: Human Age: 36 Sex: Male Height: 6'0" Weight: 180 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark Brown Skin: Caucasian/Pale Force Sensitive: No Strengths: *...
  11. Julius Sedaire

    Concordian Crescent Technologies

    Corporation Name: Concordian Crescent Technologies Headquarters: Concord Dawn Locations: Concord Dawn (HQ) - Extrapolation of the Company's HQ due to the name, none is actually given Canonically that I can see. Mandalore: Beskar'yaim & various storefronts Yavin IV: R&D plus small production...
  12. Alric Kuhn

    Approved Starship  The Maladi Class Strike Frigate

    Image Source: Affiliation: Closed Market Manufacturer: Arceneau Trade Company | Haven Shipyards Model: Maladi-Class Strike Frigate Modularity: No Production: Mass-Produced Material: Terenthium&Desh, Durasteel Classification: Strike Frigate Length: 460m Width: 320m...
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