Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. DM Player-Slayer

    LFG  Corruption in Coruscant Plots

    I have several plot scenarios I would like to run as an interactive narrator. I would like to gauge interest from players on a few plot ideas: Corruption in Coruscant Plots are as follows: : THE RIGGED SABACC TOURNAMENT : THE STOLEN RELIC / THAT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM : THE GANG WAR / WARRIORS...
  2. Jaered Aldamar

    LFG  Open to plots

    Hey, I've recently finished my profile for Jaered and looking to start some threads. He's currently on Naboo and is wanting to find his place in the galaxy. He's skilled with droid mechanics and runs along with a pit droid. I'm thinking of having him get off-world, potentially by sneaking aboard...
  3. O

    LFG  Simple Diplomat

    Looking to start some threads with my Imperial Advisor & Diplomat Oolar-Visola Greejatus. He is currently working to expand Imperial Influence through Neutral Systems and bring them into the fold of the Empire without requiring expansion by military means and is actively blocking efforts by the...
  4. Daxa Zuul

    LFG  Spice Up Your Plots

    Need a manipulative, sadistic, seductive Sith Knight to spice up your adventures? Need a wise-cracking, gunslinging, adrenaline junky, force-sensitive smuggler to move your products or run a blockade? Need a murderous, samurai/assassin droid to kill some organics? Give me a ring!
  5. D

    Private  Snow Veiled Plots

    The majority of the High Sith had begun making their way to orbit above Ossus. A few servants still lingered in Compound Meridian, though they would always be here. While the place was not to be abandoned, most of Megarea's resources were going to be making the trip to Malagarr aboard the...
  6. Domokos Gyula

    LFG  Eternal Empire super soldier looking for plots!

    Hey! Domokos is a member of the Hellhounds, and was formerly Psi-Corp. I'd love to do some threads, some could be combat related, others could be casual. Would be cool to see him outside of combat, get him out of his element. Short and long term plots welcome! Let me know :D
  7. Detritus Ren

    LFG  New Sith seeking plots

    Hello all! Feeling the urge to write, and looking to dive into some fun stories with Jin Kyrel here! A former Imperial Knight of the New Imperial Order and traitor. Having embraced the way of the Sith and joined the ranks of the New Sith Order! Seeking to travel out within the galaxy, be it...
  8. Voices of The Deep

    From The Ashes: Act I (Open)

    Alright, so after much thought and consideration of what i wanted to do with my newest character otherwise known as 'Shay'. I have decided to go start her out from the dirt. Rather than starting her story or her arcs mid way through or at a point in time where she is where she is without...
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