Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Anthysius Soraysom-Calimondra

    Red Shroud Security

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Link, could not find better source than pinterest Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Red Shroud Security Solutions Headquarters: (Where is the corporation based? CEC is based out of Corellia, KDY is from...
  2. O


    While Mandalore herself is doing much better after months of terraforming, reconstruction, and environmental clean-up her population is still millions below what it had been before. While Mandalorians from all over are slowly returning there just aren't enough hands between the Mandalorian...
  3. Jorco Czeku

    POM Security

    Peace of Mind Security The perfect company for keeping your business, property, or persons safe and out of harms way, or can aid in building a brighter future for You! Our company consists of professional private security personal that will stop at nothing to fulfill their duty on projects...
  4. Subject 37

    Nova Defense Force

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Amir Zand Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: N/A Primary Source: Me, I'm pretty. CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Nova Defense Force Headquarters: Seelos Locations: Seelos Tier: 2 Operations: Defense Contracting, Security Operations...
  5. Myles Davorak

    Triad Security

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: Ill be writing one very soon. Primary Source: CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Triad Security Headquarters: Outside of Raider's Cove, Rishi Locations: When not conducting operations on Rishi, most...
  6. Eugen Aker

    InterGalactic Banking Clan

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Canon Link: Development Thread: N/A Primary Source: CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: InterGalactic Banking Clan...
  7. J

    Beach Front Property

    "Davin, we've arrived." A heavy hand shook the Mandalorian from his slumber aboard the Lazy Strill. It had been Gil's ship, an old MandalMotors freighter, not professional at all. His thinking was when his clients saw it, they knew he meant business and wasn't there to wow the crowds. Davin...
  8. Darth Metus


    The Burning Skull, Symbol of ApeX CORPORATION NAME: ApeX LOCATIONS: Kalakar Six - Headquarters Honoghr - Training Outpost Nar Shaddaa - Public Office OPERATIONS: Mercenary Services Fugitive Recovery Training Support TIER: III The tale of Apex begins with the lineage of Malok. Once a...
  9. Rhodes

    The Paladin Consortium

    Corporation Name: The Paladin Consortium Headquarters: Nar Shadaa Locations: Denon, Ord Mantell, Fondor, Csilla, Bastion Operations: Paramilitary/Mercenary Services, Courier Services, Production of Equipment for Company Use Rationale: Janus is a man who really desires nothing but power. One...
  10. Tyran Vizsla

    Verda ures Alii'gai, "Warriors without Colors"

    About Us: Verda ures Alii'gai or "Warriors without Colors" is a Private Military Company (PMC, PF) that provides a specialized paramilitary force for anyone who needs them. They are warriors without a flag, without borders, who are bound by a warrior's code regardless of their origin or...
  11. Tyran Vizsla

    Building A New Home

    A silent hum fought against the sound of the aggressive rainfall pouring from the dark skies above. The source of the muffled humming came from the hovering speeder bike perched over a small rounded hill which sat overlooking the stalks of corn from the field below. The engine cut, a slight...
  12. Tyran Vizsla

    Ghosts in the Graveyard (Open to All)

    Nar Shaddaa "The place in the galaxy you go to disappear." The air of the moon spanning city was filled with the stench of desperation, murder, and greed. It was a city where anyone could go to disappear, both metaphorically and in some cases physically. A city of ghosts, only fitting...
  13. Tyran Vizsla

    Approved Location  Morut be' Verda

    Name: Morut be' Verda "Haven of Warriors" Image Sources: Google Image Search, Hell's Gate (Avatar Film) Development Thread: Classification: Private Paramilitary Installation Location: Yavin IV Affiliation: Verda ures Alii'gai...
  14. Tyran Vizsla

    Verda ures Alii'gai

    Corporation Name: Verda ures Alii'gai "Warriors without Colors" Headquarters: Yavin IV Locations: Yavin IV Operations: *Infiltration *Reconnaissance *Private Security *Personnel Extraction Rationale: Founded by Tyran Vizsla and initially funded out of pocket by the former bounty...
  15. Yoru Shakou

    Preshean Auxiliaries is Open for Business

    ..:: Preshean Auxiliaries ::.. "We Stand Alone, Together." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: Corporate Information ::.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Headquarters: Naboo; Lake Country...
  16. Yoru Shakou

    Preshean Auxiliaries

    ..:: Preshean Auxiliaries ::.. "We stand alone, Together." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: Organizational Information ::.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Headquarters: Naboo; Lake...
  17. Aeron Kreelan

    Omega Pyre PMC Codex

    Omega Pyre (OP) was founded by Cira on Fondor some years ago. Her organisation brought order to the chaos around that planet, and she became popular. Founded as a Private Military and Security Contractor, the company grew in influence and power, expanding to several planets and utilizing the...
  18. Jsc

    Approved NPC  Roberts Rangers

    Name: Roberts Rangers Intent: Closing the Minor Faction. Going NPC route. So, creating a private NPC-based mercenary group. Affiliation: None. Independent. Availability: All. Common to Unique. Quality: A to C. Elite to Trained. Strength: 1000. Description: Roberts Ranger, abbreviated RnR, is...
  19. Subject 37

    Saeva Incorporated

    Corporation Name: Saeva Incorporated Owners Name: Kiran Vess Headquarters: Teth Locations: Training Facilities: Teth Command Centers: Teth Deployment Bases: Teth Information Centers: Teth Operations: Description: “No retreat.” About Savae Savae Incorporated is a Private Military...
  20. Xalus

    Hellhound Strategic

    Hellhound Strategic Profit driven, lethal efficiency. Corporation Name: Hellhound Strategic Security Headquarters: O'reen Locations: O'reen and 244Cole Operations: Security and Defense Contracting, Weapons Research and Development, Limited Starship and Vehicle Development...
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