Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ova Ziss

    Approved Vehicle  P1 Interceptor

    United Industrial P1 Police Interceptor OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a hovercar to be used by civilian police forces, security and others across the galaxy, and maybe some bounty hunters too. Image Source: Milan, Sketchfab, 3D Model Spaceship Police Canon Link: Panther...
  2. Eujan Vidokh

    Character  Eujan Vidokh

    EUJAN VIDOKH Age 36 GSY Species Pantoran Gender Male Height 1.83 Meters Weight 75 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Claim RoboCop PERSONALITY & BELIEFS Eujan Vidokh is a hardened yet principled individual, driven by an unyielding commitment to justice shaped by personal loss and...
  3. Amiggie Lutih

    Faction  Contraband Police (EOTL)

    Location: Stygeon Prime After taking Felucia from the Sith Order, Emperor Velran Kilran had grown wary of the growing threat of the Mandalorian Protectors from the western boarders. In response, he rushes to ensure that his flank is secure in case the Mandoalorians decide to invade the...
  4. D

    Character  Please delete

    Just didn't work out
  5. Lim Caliber

    Character  Detective Lim Caliber, "Cal"

    [TABS block_align="bcenter" width=1000] /: Photographs of Detective Lim Caliber Lim Caliber's Theme: 'Down Boy' fa-play fa-pause [/TABS]
  6. Kitter Bitters

    LFG  Police Officer Character

    I am getting ready to make a police character and I am just not sure how to do it. I spoke with the Hutt faction and they said they would certainly interact with a cop, and they mentioned there are cop like characters in other factions. So my question is where does this character fit? Is there...
  7. June Ashikaga

    Approved Tech  Ashikaga Militia Police Uniforms

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: As mentioned in the Ashikaga Group's operations, the corporation caters police services. The Ashikaga Group has a strict uniform code especially on the family's legal business. This serves as a uniform of the Ashikaga militia police which is a sub-division...
  8. June Ashikaga

    Codex Denied  Ashikaga Militia Police

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: As mentioned in the Ashikaga Group's operations, the corporation caters police services. They serve as the lowest ranking unit of the Ashikaga Group's forces. Their main priority is to patrol and protect Ashikaga establishments, and to protect high ranking...
  9. Jacob Calhan

    Warden, scientist, and secret police looking for thread ideas.

    So, I've got my character pretty well figured out and I'm looking to make the profile either tonight or tomorrow afternoon, and I want to start some threads asap. TLDR of the character is that he's a force sensative scientist, kinda like Darth Plageus. After he gets into the wardens of the...
  10. R


    NAME: Ruus FACTION: The Galactic Alliance RANK: Sector Ranger / Federal Marshal SPECIES: Mandalorian (Human) AGE: 25 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'8 WEIGHT: 150 lbs EYES: Green HAIR: Dark Brown SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : Enforcer...
  11. Jessica Bowers

    Jessica Bowers

    ENTER PASSWORD//. PASSWORD CONFIRMED... CONNECTING TO PERSONNEL DATABASE//. ACQUIRING FILE FOR//. ID: 31227. BOWERS, JESSICA. PLEASE WAIT... NAME: Jessica Bowers FACTION: The Rimward Trade League RANK: Rescue Officer [formerly in service of the Coruscant Police Department] SPECIES: Human...
  12. Delsin Shaw

    Approved NPC  Prime Five-0/Torchers

    Prime Five-0 Torchers OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a policing unit within the Family, as well as the "First Responders" to incidents within Family turf or Locations. Image Credit: Keos Masons - Police, Arsons Role: First Responders, Guard Duty, Police, Links: The Family...
  13. AMCO

    Approved Vehicle  Sergeti-class Police Gunship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a top-tier police gunship for the open market. Image Source: CGSociety | Maurice Baltissen Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Akiratis Industries Affiliation: Open-Market Model: Sergeti-class Police Gunship...
  14. H3xle

    Jal Raqa

    NAME: Jal Raqa FACTION: Outer Rim Coalition RANK: Knight SPECIES: Mirialan AGE: Prime SEX: Female HEIGHT: 1.5 meters BUILD: Lithe EYES: Turquoise HAIR: Purple SKIN: Green FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  15. AMCO

    Approved Vehicle  Napasji-class Police Patrol Craft

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a mobile as feth police airspeeder for the open market. Image Source: ArtStation | Tucker Roche Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Akiratis Industries Affiliation: Open-Market Model: Napasji-class Police Patrol...
  16. 4ND-R0

    Approved Tech  IAA "Arbiter" Armor

    Intent: To create a unique, uniformed look of the Galactic Empire’s law enforcement units Image Source: John Burns Canon Link: Restricted Missions: Primary Source:
  17. Tavi Riley

    Approved Tech  Corsucant Sensor Armor V1.0

    Coruscant Sensor Armor V1.0 ------------------------------------------------------- OOC Information Intent: To have a light armor for Sensor Operators in the Coruscant Security Force Image Source: here Development Thread: N/A Cannon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A...
  18. GW-01

    Approved Tech  GW Galactic Warden Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a droid who acts as a police officer and prison worker. Also, to be my character. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source:
  19. Herr Vanderhing


    PM me if you want in *if your character is not a criminal you should still read till the end* Come one come all to the mad house of Coruscant!!! Enjoy the blood curdling screams of the inmates!! Watch them bash there heads to the wall!! Watch some try to eat each...
  20. Arik Andees

    Looking for Republic Law Enforcement

    It's time to move my plot along with Arik, and I'm in need of a uniform. Law enforcement (Republic preferred) In depth writer Possibly long term writing partner Interested in a twisted plot Respond below - and I'll answer any questions I can without giving it all away.
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