Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ova Ziss

    Podrace  [Pre-Race: Open] The Dantooine Open RP - Preparation / Slice of Life

    [OOC Information Thread] [ OOC: This is the in-character thread for the roleplay that happens before the Dantooine Open race. It is open to any character. ] [ OOC: If you are looking for the race thread, the race will be live on FEBRUARY 1, 2025 , at which time dice rolling will also start. ]...
  2. Ova Ziss

    Public  Cocktail Party on Dantooine

    The door guard lets you into the Trilon Corporation cocktail party. As the double-doors swing open, you see crystalline decorations and an open design. You see a massive luminary chandelier that covers the length of the entire concourse. You see people wearing fancy dress clothes from across the...
  3. Diarch Reign

    LFG  Want to meet more Military/political Types

    Hello! I’ve been going really heavy into force user stuff, but I also want to get involved with more NFU military and politics! As the faction I started gets going, I don’t want just force user stories. I want to be part of the every day stories and see what makes the galaxy go round with...
  4. Brun Rostu

    Character  Brun Rotsu

    Brun Rotsu Music Click Here...PUNK! Aliases ... Class(es) ... Assignment ... Flagship Why? Birthplace Haruun Kal, Pelek Baw Age 48 Personality Traits Education Traits Lifestyle Traits Rank(s) Ambassador Faction(s) Galactic Alliance Species Korunnai Languages...
  5. Tertius C. Nargath

    Private  Burrying the Hatchet

    Eriadu - 902 ABY Despite what had happened under the control of its former viceroys when it was still part of the C.I.S. and all its later issues, turbulences and tribulations, Eriadu seemed to be this one constant in the galaxy where in the end, not much changed. After several decades, it...
  6. Rens Ahim

    LFG  Making connections

    Hey there folks. Decided to make a lfg thread for my senator character. I’m interested in roleplaying stories of him outside of the senate sessions. With fellow senators perhaps having a meeting or just hang out as colleagues getting to know each other. As for non-senator characters Rens can...
  7. Cyprus Ca'stella

    LFG  Bodyguard? Bounty? Etc?

    Need some threads for this guy. He's an aspiring diplomat who could use some friends and enemies. Want to be his bodyguard or whatnot? Awesome. Want to hunt him for bounty? Even better. Just want to talk politics and sip wine? I'm game.
  8. Sycorax Laveaux

    Private  Vampire Politics

    Lamont, Necropolis No custom was more important to the Necropolitan than those rites related to the dead. People on other planets were whisked away as quickly as possible after death, to be burned and their ashes scattered. The Necropolitans buried their dead in the ground with great reverence...
  9. Tycho Vale

    Private  The Politics & The Life

    Tagging: Judah Dashiell Things in the Alliance were once again moving and shaking. In his time, Tycho had learned to appreciate peace for what it was-- short-lived, ephemeral, here one day and gone the next. War was on the horizon... and, as morbid as it was, so was commerce. The two often went...
  10. Khrusaes Akron

    Private  New Generation of Politics

    Location: Akron Family Estate, Outskirts of Pantoran City, Pantora Objective: Mold the Future Tags: Jon Rhalin | Tiyo Rhalin | Shija Loigos After a fruitful if not necessarily pleasant outing to the Tion Cluster for a conference of Imperial minds, Khrusaes left his agents and allies to do the...
  11. Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

    Discussion  Setting Expectations Regarding GA Senate RP

    I want to prefix this by saying the following: I love and respect all the staff of the GA Faction. I am not writing this out of anger in any way. I simply want to help bring clarity to our writing community so that expectations of political writers is appropriately tempered. There is no right...
  12. Kel Se'Taav

    Private  Poise and Politics

    POISE AND POLITICS Tags: Breha Sal-Soren Location: Senate Offices, Coruscant Soundtrack: Guardian “An attaché?” Kel asked quizzically. “Yes sir,” the voice on the comlink replied. The Bothan looked over the dossier that came across his holopad, skimming over the young woman’s...
  13. Lirka Ka

    Private  Politics, how Tiresome

    Saijo had been proving to be a popular destination for Lirka in recent days, in some ways it reminded her of a pitiful human-made-knockoff of Thustra and as such the planet was quickly falling out of her favor, for both reminding her of home and being much worse than home. But regardless, such...
  14. Aspect of Resolve

    Dominion  Politics in Polis (SO Dominion of Polis Massa)

    Dominion of Polis Massa 878 ABY At the surface it was just another pile of shattered rock in the middle of space, easily overlooked and underestimated. Once a grand planet it was shattered in times less recorded, and the asteroid field left behind was now the home of mining operations...
  15. Wu Yeoh-Mei

    Faction  Political Intrigue Lessons

    The petite jedi master stood there.. she had enjoyed the beauty of the silver rest but there was something to it here.. THey had room for classes and much much more that they would be able to do. There was always a chance for combat classes or some force skill but there was a need... a jedi...
  16. Count Tarsus

    Private  We Don't Talk about Politics and Religion

    Location: Ossus Grand Temple, Archbeacon Office Tags: Isla Draellix "It's unfair, and I won't stand for it." Beacon Thaeden stated, putting his proverbial foot down. The man was younger then most in the clergy, but his management skills were unmatched in this sector. "Unfair? You want to...
  17. Adalee Thorne

    Private  Power

    Adalee remembered everything about Cerea. From the fruitful partnerships she had with the Elders, up to the very distinctive architecture the city of Tecave had to offer. She had spent an egregious amount of time on the planet. All of that time was spent studying. Of course, like all lessons...
  18. Damien Cross

    LFG  Looking For Underworld/Coruscant Connections

    Hello Chaos! As is evidenced by the post title I’m looking for underworld connections and connections based out of Coruscant (the two can coincide! And preferably will) First I want to list a few specific connections that I’m looking for. These are open to be claimed by anyone but can only be...
  19. doctorsimon4

    LFG  [Interest Check] Pantoran Minor Faction and politics

    Hi guys, I have been around the forums now for a couple of days and I was wondering if anyone wanted to work on putting together a minor faction for Pantora and its political situation. I hope to play some kind of Galatic Republic envoy / ambassadors and wondered if anyone else wanted to take...
  20. Adalee Thorne

    Plans, Politics, & Partnerships

    A Blue Hologram sparked to life. The sputtering glitches from the internal comm system fazed out, but only briefly before the Adalee, of House Thorne on Lorrd and Politician; was carefully crafted out of thin air. The message was sent to those already listed on the log from the previous...
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