Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Detritus Ren

    Faction  Shadows of Prakith

    Detritus Ren had achieved great status and power serving as the Shadow Priest on the Imperial Ruling Council. While the drums of war sounded across the galaxy, he could sense the shadow consume all in the galaxy. Soon the blinding light would be eclipsed and soon snuffed out entirely. The Shadow...
  2. Valery Noble

    Invasion  [GA | DE] Operation Shadow Hand | GA Defense of Tython, Empress Teta, & Prakith

    Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Dark Empire Staff Galactic Alliance Staff Darth Solipsis Valery Noble Ignacious Korvan Auteme Ibaris Varanin Jasper Kai'el Jin Kyrel Kahlil Noble Elias Edo Natasi Fortan Amelia von Sorenn The Dark Times Begin.. On March 14th -...
  3. Darth Solipsis

    Invasion  Operation Shadow Hand | DE Invasion of GA held Tython, Empress Teta, & Prakith

    Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Dark Empire Staff Galactic Alliance Staff Darth Solipsis Valery Noble Ignacious Korvan Auteme Ibaris Varanin Jasper Kai'el Jin Kyrel Kahlil Noble Natasi Fortan The Dark Times Begin.. On March 14th - 28th the DARK EMPIRE will invade the...
  4. Lord Letifer

    Character  Letifer

    Letifer Aliases N/A Homeworld Prakith Age Late Twenties Rank Apprentice [Knight leveled] Faction Brotherhood of the Maw New Sith Order The Final Dawn Occupation New Sith Order Species Human Gender Male Force Sensitive Yes Height 6' Weight Slender Hair Color Dark Eye...
  5. Kell Nedrann

    Character  Kael Sazen

    FACTION: Galactic Alliance RANK: Senator of Prakith AGE: 33 GSY SEX: Male SPECIES: Zabrak (Iridonian) HEIGHT: 1.73 Meters WEIGHT: 74.84 kg HAIR: Black EYES: Brown SKIN: Tanned FORCE SENSITIVITY: No HOME: Jedha (birthplace); Prakith (residence) VOICE: David Wenham STRENGTHS Martially Trained...
  6. Progflaw99

    The Addled Jewel | Part 1 of The New Dawn Campaign

    The Rebellion had made an entrance on the grand stage only weeks ago in the Rimcee sector but even their momentary success seemed but a drop in the blazing inferno that was spreading across the galaxy. Lucky though they had been with the acquisition of a few solid command vessels, their luck was...
  7. Darth Ophidia

    [END GAME - Flashpoint] Ashen Reach

    [ Five days prior to the attack on Coruscant ] [ Prakith , Galactic Alliance Space ] Prakith was a cold planet, but with little snow. It was arid and dry, and the people who lived there were as hard and cold as the bedrock they lived on. They had little room for idealism when the truth of the...
  8. Darth Ophidia

    Prakith Ciphers

    The Eidolon stopped over Freisa, a planet not far from the Galactic Alliance's borders. One that had been entirely cleansed of populace in the days of the One Sith, then repopulated by a new order of Sith-serving loyalists. The mass sacrifice of life had lead to a great alchemical basin the size...
  9. Ras'kala'han

    Allure of the Afterlife

    Prakith Ruins of the God-King's Keep Consciousness came to Antherion like a trickle of cold water. The first thing he became aware of was the solid surface upon which he was resting -- then the dryness of his mouth, and the slow, constant sound of his artificial throat pumping a steady stream...
  10. Ras'kala'han

    Valley of the Shadow of Death

    Prakith The Deep Core Once, perhaps, it had been a tower. If so, it had doubtlessly been built strategically — near the mountainside, where any Dark Lord's taste for ostentation could be satiated without exposing vulnerability, where the terrain rippled out from it as though its presence was...
  11. Vrak Nashar

    Secrets In The Dark

    Prakith [member="Jamie Pyne"] Andeddu's Keep had once been the primary home of the One Sith. The Citadel had been occupied by the group for nearly four centuries as their only home. They had sat and festered, their Dark Lord had waited and watched for the right time, then they had struck. The...
  12. Ellie Mors

    Angst and All the Rest (Prakith)

    Prakith Five Years prior to the events of the Netherworld Crisis It was victory today, victory tomorrow, and all that could be seen for the next decade, or more, was complete domination on the galactic scale by the forces of the One Sith. Not too long ago the massive invasion of Empress Teta by...
  13. Darth Prazutis

    Fires of the Forge

    In orbit over Prakith in the Deep Core... Entering into orbit over the surface of Prakith was a small but strong fleet of Wyrrlok-Class Star Destroyer surrounding an Immortal-Class Star Dreadnaught. The polished shining hulls glistening and their guns of war poised and ready for battle. It...
  14. Blackthorne

    While Masters Away the Pets Will Play [OS]

    Prakith - Sith Citadel Something about Citadels that made a soul restless, especially ones like this. Places where torture of the mind, body and spirit left a mark upon the fabric of reality so profane one could feel it upon entering the premises. Shai was strongly reminded of Korriban...
  15. C

    How are the Invasions going for you?

    I know its early in the threads but we'd be keen to hear what you think's going well (so we can do more of it) and what's not going so well (and ideally be given a steer as to what we should do instead). Better to ask now than wait until it's nearly over. I'll start with a thought of my own...
  16. Kana Truden

    The Republic Counter-Invasion of Prakith [Republic vs. One Sith]

    P R A K I T H The Republic vs. The One Sith [OOC DISCUSSION] Prakith -- Weapon test site and the former capital of the One Sith. It’s location on the borders to the Republic and the way it had cut through the territory like an infected wound had...
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