Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Prodigy

    Private  Sacrilege

    Kesh Arlo Renard Loneliness was not an emotion Prodigy ever expected to feel. Most machines never would. Right now, he envied them. Cursed his own knowledge. Pontificated the value of a simpler life. An ignorant life. One in which truth did not batter the gates of his mind, demanding to be set...
  2. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    Private  The Prodigy

    Nestled in the center of a group of towering boulders, a large clearing made itself well hidden. The small valley was shaded from the outside world. Sure, it was still lifeless and bland, but it was hidden. And so, this was the perfect place for Elise Vizsla to meet the person she was always...
  3. Prodigy

    Character  Prodigy

    SPECIFICATIONS Name: Prodigy Model: Unique Creation: After the Second Battle of Empress Teta Gender: Masculine programming (He/they) Height: 7'1" / 2.16 m Force Sensitive: No AFFILIATIONS Homeworld: Empress Teta Residence: Mobile Faction: The Open Hand OOC Voice: Ramon...
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