Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Casteban Mecetti

    Approved Starship  House Mecetti Tie/ha Mk II 'Jester' Heavy Starfighter Production Model

    Tie/ha 'Jester' Heavy Attack Starfighter Mk II Production Model OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a rare advanced heavy attack starfighter for characters that wish to punch above their weight in fleet combat. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A...
  2. Junko Ike

    Approved Tech  Sasori Modular Production Facilities

    SPECIAL FEATURES Size: Designed to be much much smaller in its size compared to the original model and able to combine several of their fabrication/replication technologies. STRENGTHS Self Repairing: Designed to repair itself over time and from damage in a fight. The severity determining if...
  3. Solan Charr

    Faction  Securing the Means of Production (Confederacy Faction RP, Ask to Join)

    Daiyu, Wild Space Objective 1: Secure the Governor's Palace, ensure that none of the ruling elite escape and hold them for trial. Take them Alive if possible, ensure any non-combatants are kept safe and not killed during the fighting. Once the Palace has been taken, secure the treasury and...
  4. Laphisto

    Resolved  Production values

    so obviously mass produced is like in the millions and beyond, and unique is just one, but what about the others, how many of one item does it take for something to go from limited to minor? ex unique 1-1 semi unique 2-? Limited ?-? Minor ?-? Mass-produced - infinite its always bogged on...
  5. Laphisto

    Approved Tech  Lilaste order Production Line

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to have a spot to keep track of Lilaste order Production Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/a Permissions: N/a PRODUCTION INFORMATION PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Lilaste order Affiliation: Lilaste Order Market Status: closed Model: Standard...
  6. Alasdair Voland

    Approved Starship  ISTBS-Imperial Stealth Standard Tie Bomber (Semi-Unique Production).

    ISTBS-Imperial Stealth Standard Tie Bomber (Semi-Unique Production). OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create your standard stealth Imperial TIE bomber used by Imperials and anyone who can manage to steal or buy one second-hand, this time at the semi-unique production level. Image...
  7. Alasdair Voland

    Approved Starship  ISTBL-Imperial Standard Tie Bomber (Limited Production)

    ISTBL-Imperial Standard Tie Bomber (Limited Production) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create your standard Imperial TIE bomber used by Imperials and anyone who can manage to steal or buy one second-hand, this time at the limited production level. Image Source: Here you go. Canon...
  8. Alasdair Voland

    Approved Starship  ISTBM-Imperial Standard Tie Bomber (Minor Production).

    ISTBM-Imperial Standard Tie Bomber (Minor Production). OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create your standard Imperial TIE bomber used by Imperials and anyone who can manage to steal or buy one second-hand, this time at the minor production level. Image Source: Here you go. Canon...
  9. Alasdair Voland

    Approved Starship  ISTFM Standard TIE/LN Fighter (Minor Production).

    ISTFM Standard TIE/LN Fighter OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An open source, standard Minor grade TIE fighter that fits with Imperial style and doctrine. Image Source: Here you go. Canon Link: Here you go. Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Here you go. PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  10. Darth Xyrah

    Approved Location  Naberrie Military Production Facility

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a vast factory for the production of vast quantities of battle droids, weapons, vehicles and other war materials for Darth Xyrah's droid army and corporate interests. Image Credit: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Image Source) Canon: N/A Permissions...
  11. Darth Xyrah

    Work In Progress  Naberrie Military Production Facility

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a vast factory for the production of battle droids, weapons, vehicles and other war materials for Darth Xyrah's droid army and corporate interests. Image Credit: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Image Source) Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Enarc...
  12. Nathan Bloodscrawl

    Approved Tech  Bloodscrawl Bacta Production Chambers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create Private Bacta Chambers that can be located by Nathan Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Bloodscrawl...
  13. Marcella Fiora

    Open Market  Fiora Vintners Inc.

    F I O R A V I N T N E R S //: P A R E N Tㅤ-ㅤC A T A L O G :\\ O U TㅤO FㅤC H A R A C T E R Image Source: Marcella Fiora (Logo) Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Fiora Cigarras Inc. C O R P O R A T I O NㅤI N F O R M A T I O N Corporation Name: Fiora Vintners Incorporated Headquarters...
  14. Corbin Vasher

    Question  About "Unique" Production

    Does Unique Production simply mean there is only one of that exact item, or can it mean it can only be made by maybe one person and one at a time. What I mean specifically is this: If I create a Unique item, can it be used by others (with permission of course) in other creations? And would I...
  15. Heinrich Faust

    Approved Planet  Vitruvia

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new, unique world for RP Image Credit: Image 1 & 7 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 8 All edits by me Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Planet Name: Vitruvia Demonym: Vitruvian Region: Tingel Arm...
  16. 001-A-986 "Nix"

    Approved Tech  H.A.R.M Mass production Type

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give a mass production line of the H.A.R.M armor system Image Source: hetza (hellshock) on pinterest Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: hazard armor for recon marines, H.A.R.M. Mk 2 armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Hades Corp...
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