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This thread is pertaining to OOC coordination and official dice rolls for the Dantooine Open, Laps One through Three.
If you are looking for lap 1 of the Dantooine Open podrace, CLICK HERE
Or for non-racing RP thread, CLICK HERE.
Racers! You may now roll for Lap Number One!
[You have...
The Dantooine Open
We are going to be racing on Dantooine Space Station right in front of a crowd in the grandstands. I spoke with the Diarchy, and not only are they cool with it, they want to RPly sponsor it!
We want to try and get one of the biggest turnouts ever...
DFS-100 Pro Racing Swoopbike
Manufactured by "Dantooine's Finest Swoopbikes" (United Trade Authority)
Intent: To create a homebrew, professional swoop racing bike for the open market.
Image Source: Markreations on DeviantArt
Canon Link: 64-Y Swift 3 Repulsorlift...