Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Lorn Reingard

    Approved Ranged Weapon  Palace Protective Pistol (PPP-73)

    Intent: To create a standardized, concealable blaster pistol for Naboo Royal Assembly members and security forces, drawing inspiration from the classic ELG-3A but with modern improvements. Image Source: Pinterest Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Permission as RNR - Here Primary Source: X...
  2. Bodek Karsin

    Approved Armor  Madrugar 'Vacsafe Elite Class III' Laborer Protective Suit

    Image Source:, prompted by me DESCRIPTION The Vacsafe Elite brand is a common one among Madrugar spacers, tending to be purchased by those Madrugar in the Upper Middle Class, who can afford a suit with more than minimal utility. Rather than being the product of a specific...
  3. Jocelyn

    Approved Armor  Too Hot to Handle - Desert PPE

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Category Details Intent To create a Desert PPE Bodysuit / Gear with enhanced breathability and cooling properties, ideal for hot and sun-exposed environments. Image Source Image Source Canon Link N/A Permissions Open Market (available for use by any...
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