Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. F

    Inflictor III-type Heavy Cruiser

    I N F L I C T O R III OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To bring the Inflictor up to modern factory standards. Image Source: JBJHJM // Deviantart (x) (x) Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Inflictor II (x) PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Primo Victorian (x) Affiliation...
  2. F

    Vindicator II-type, Support Carrier

    V I N D I C A T O R II OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A continued modernization effort to factory 5.0 standards, the Mark III Imperial Project for Primo Victorian Shipwright. Image Source: Hand of Manos // Deviantart (x) Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source...
  3. F

    Freighters and Futures

    Fiolette lit the cigarra took a drag and let her gaze cut through the smoke. A pair of brothers sat opposite of her, across a dilapidated desk propped up by a chunk of durasteel that cut into the floor beneath them. Silence choked the atmosphere the two, older, grease slicked haired brothers...
  4. F

    Little Miss [Saffron]

    "Ma'am, the ATC Represenative is here." Petrovsky announced. Fiolette seemed to march down the corridor from her conference room, "have her escorted aboard and take her to the observation deck." She ordered, and her assistant acknowledged it dashing off on the double to carry out his duties...
  5. F

    Approved Tech  Destron X, Ion Engine

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new line of heavy ion engines built for larger capital ships and stations for the First Order Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Starscream-9 PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Seinar-Jaemus...
  6. F

    MK82M4 "Shortbow" Plasma Railgun

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a smaller version of the Longbow that acts to soften enemies up as they come into range. Image Source: Duskie-06 // Deviantart (x) Canon Link: Incinerator-class Plasma Railgun (x) Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: MK 78 “Longbow”...
  7. F

    Approved Tech  Emergency Hyperwave Transmission Network

    EMERGENCY HYPERWAVE TRANSMISSION NETWORK OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an emergency hyperwave network for first responders within the First Order. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  8. F

    TIE/CD XIV "Crown"

    CROWN OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an improved Defender that can act more like a ‘tank’ when in the field, drawing attention and damage away from more vulnerable fighters like the Raptor or Interceptor-type attack craft. Image Source: Jason Battersby // Artstation (x)...
  9. F

    TIE/RB XIX "Reign II," Heavy Bomber-type

    R E I G N II OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an improved Reign Bomber that can be a more versatile bomber for the First Order’s Starfighter Corps. Image Source: Anthony Devine // Deviantart (x) Canon Link: TIE/IT (x) | Reflec (x) | Chaffs (x) | Flares (x) | Lock-Threat...
  10. F

    Hellstrom-class, Fleet Carrier

    H E L L S T R O M OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a modern fleet carrier for the First Order, and to diversify the First Order navy. Image Source: Adam Kop // Deviantart (x) Canon Link: Reflec (x) | AR-0B Damage Reduction (x) | Anti-Tractor Beam Shroud (x) | Anti-Ion...
  11. F

    Approved Tech  Gravimetric Sensor Net

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a sensor that will assist in the tracking and detection of planetary bodies and objects in motion. Image Source: Reddit // Graphic Design (x) Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  12. F

    MK78M2 "Longbow" Plasma Railgun

    LONGBOW OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a long range harassment type weapon enabling the First Order to soften up enemies as they come into range. Image Source: Duskie-06 // Deviantart (x) Canon Link: Incinerator-class Plasma Railgun (x) Restricted Missions: N/A...
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