Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ova Ziss

    Podrace  [Pre-Race: Open] The Dantooine Open RP - Preparation / Slice of Life

    [OOC Information Thread] [ OOC: This is the in-character thread for the roleplay that happens before the Dantooine Open race. It is open to any character. ] [ OOC: If you are looking for the race thread, the race will be live on FEBRUARY 1, 2025 , at which time dice rolling will also start. ]...
  2. Brooke Waters

    Podrace  Kattada Open (Sun Jamming Race)

    A wonderful day for a Sunjamming Race. The Exploration Corps station on the world and the Haleoda Spaceport were already full for guests. The stands were set, and some of the larger charter boats were out on the water allowing for guests and spectators to enjoy the tropics of the world. What it...
  3. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Private  Slow And Steady Wins The Race

    "Gah!" Gwyn ducked behind a wall as multiple stun bolts barraged the floor where she had once stood. Panting, she held her stun-ion pistol in her hand as she contemplated her next move. She was training without her armor. She had been told long ago, just starting out as a foundling, that...
  4. Cassus Akovin

    Podrace  Drive Like You Stole It! [Darkwire]

    The contract at its most basic principle was simple enough: steal from rich assholes with enough fanfare to attract attention and scatter to the wind so they couldn't follow any leads. For some, this was to deal a blow to the top by striking at the most affluent sector on the planet. To others...
  5. Minuteman75

    Public  It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad Galaxy

    The wind howled across the rocky wastes. Soon it was followed by the whine of engines blaring. A run down speeder raced through the canyon. "Can this piece of junk go any faster?!" A yellow Twi'lek yelled in frustration at her human boyfriend in the driver's seat. "Sweetheart, we'll be there...
  6. Minuteman75

    LFG  Rat Race/Treasure Hunt

    Hello folks hope you're doing well. I'm proud to announce the upcoming open roleplay. To explain it will be about a crazy hunt/race for a lost treasure vault of Jabba the Hutt. Specifically its location on Tatooine's has mysteriously been leaked out, causing various interested parties to go...
  7. Race Osroam

    Character  Race Osroam

    Name: Race Osroam Faction: None Rank: Mechanic-for-hire Species: Human/Echani hybrid Age: 20 Sex: Male Height: 5'6" Weight: 135lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Skin: Pale Force Sensitive: Yes (Unaware) Strengths and Weaknesses: +Experienced mechanic: Race is a quick learner when it comes to...
  8. Skellege Nauss


    I have moved this here
  9. K

    Campaign  The Great Hutt Space Endurance Race Redux

    The Scar Worlds, the ruins left from the Bryn'adul invasion. What is left of Hutt Space is rough, and unwelcoming, but to many still it is home. It can be home. Since the defeat of the invaders they have withdrawn from much of Hutt Space, leaving these devastated world open to be resettled by...
  10. Maou

    Request  Race League

    So a while back I posted about getting together a minor faction race League to organize all these races into a grander circuit. I got the tiniest bit of traction but I think once I got some graphics and whatnot it could drawn the attention it needs to get off the ground. Any takers?
  11. Brooke Waters

    Request  RACE EVENT: Watercraft Pamarthe Classic

    I suppose I should make this an official request. Source Requesting Racers for a Watercraft Race on Pamarthe. With the Podrace Circuit in full swing, the Pamarthe Race Invitational Council is sending out invites to any able bodied racer a unique challenge: The Pamarthe Classic Challenge...
  12. Maou

    LFG  Race League

    With how popular pod races and other sort of speed contests are right now...Would anyone be down to come together to make a quasi-legal league? Could get some criminal people involved, get legit racers involved, all that good stuff. Could work together to get cool company-sponsored unique tech...
  13. Brooke Waters

    LFG  Pamarthe Regatta - Race (Podrace Rules)

    Now, this one may be a bit of a reach, but would anyone be down for a race at Pamarthe, using the podrace rules.... but not podracers? Because me, as a writer, never stops talking about it, I like sailing, and well, with Pamarthe, they created a whole culture around watercraft and put it in...
  14. Gillan Eru

    Private  Racing Straight Into Trouble

    T A T O O I N E --- MOS ESPA PODRACE HANGAR Ara Sheridan Dust hung in the air of the Mos Espa's Podrace hangar, kicked up by the continuous stream of people. People of all species, genders and ethnicities. If anything, it reminded him of the maze-like lower levels of Coruscant. The...
  15. Race Tolsen

    Character  Race Tolsen

    RACE TOLSEN Theme L'enfer Full Name Adrian Markus Tolsen Alias(es) Race Tolsen Title(s) Baron of Bakura (Claimed) Class(es) Naval Officer Origin Bakura Age 71 Rank(s) Fleet Admiral Faction(s) Dark Empire Species Human Language(s) Galactic Basic [Native] Sy Bisti...
  16. Okkeus Dainlei

    Public  Star Riders Racing Events

    Hey everyone, I recently started up a faction based around races and flying fast throught the Galaxy. Currently, there is only two of us in the group. My hope is to gain more people so we can do huge public events. The events would be races from place to place, or lapped races. The races would...
  17. Gilamar Skirata

    A Day at the Races

    Gil watched from several systems away, a sector away, as the timer ticked down on the tactical display. He cocked a worried brow at the other Resistance officers in the situation room as the clock struck zero. Back in the Mandalore system the Resistance was initiating phase one of the plan. The...
  18. Alaysia Vacaryn

    Ifradeli - Ready for Submission

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Intent: To sub for one of the three main races that occupy the Unknown Regions planet Confracta, who also make up one of the ruling nations of the planet’s Second Triumvirate. Co-written with [member=Salanari] & [member=Revenant]. Image Credit: X | X Canon...
  19. Salvador Grim

    Approved Species  Zauberlord

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Making this race to replace my current one. Image Credit:Deviantart-Naznemati Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Zauberlord Designation:Sentient Homeworld:N/A Language: Telepathy Average Lifespan: 250 Years. Estimated Population: Rare...
  20. Hype Darkwater


    Hype's worn Kum'rrk fighter roared through deep space. There was nothing here, absolutely nothing. The charts had been wrong. Hype slammed his fist onto his console in frustration. He wished he could wring the neck of that dealer. But, sitting here on the outer edges of the known galaxy, there...
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