Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aculia Voland

    LFG  Minor Faction Ad- Empire of the Lost

    Hey there everybody! I don't have amazing art or photoshop skills to dazzle you with, but what I do have is a willingness to collaborate, a determination to be active, and fun story ideas! What is the Empire of the Lost? A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees rallying behind...
  2. Empire of the Lost

    Empire of the Lost

    The Empire of the Lost is an Imperial faction made up of a coalition of Imperial Remnant, Eternal Empire, and Elysium Empire members and refugees who have come together to restore order, law, and prosperity to their region of the galaxy. They have their capital on Lianna, a large ecumenopolis in...
  3. Inanna Harth

    Approved Location  Maranatha, Alderaan

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally codify another important refugee city on Alderaan. Image Credit: Adrian Virlan | flaviobella | Masashi Kageyama | Fyreant | Ferdinand Ladera | Y Seul. Jeon Canon: No Permissions: N/A Links: Wicked Game | A Match Made in Maranatha SETTING...
  4. Kai Bamarri

    Private  The Prophet's Song

    THE PROPHET'S SONG Calabiyau, Chaldea Chaldea’s sun was rising, its rays slowly spreading across the grand cathedral door. When Alicio had last visited Calabiyau, the beautiful building had been empty and abandoned. The refugees had fixed it up, but the end result was not a house of worship—it...
  5. N

    LFG  CALLING: Refugees, Exiles, Volunteers, Adventurers, Mercenaries - AMNESTY Voyage

    Hello everyone! We are looking for anyone of the above to join our voyage and humanitarian mission. Next destination, Seswenna. Please let us know if you are interested to join the crew! Otherwise, you are welcome to interact on our public thread; Pit-Stop: Mos Eisley Cantina, Tatooine. For more...
  6. Darth Empyrean

    Major Faction The Jiaasjen Purge | Sith Order

    Sith Order Space 877 ABY Directly after the declaration of the New Order The speech Darth Empyrean had sent out to the galaxy was not unexpected, but it was out of rhythm with when people thought it would happen. Quick, sudden, and with the allegiance of another Triumvirate for its formation...
  7. Minerva Fhirdiad

    Private  Junction Troubles

    Mek-Sha Station, Junkers Junction Wearing a hooded cloak over her armor and gear Minerva strolled down an aging walkway in Junker's Junction. Each step she took caused a creaking sound as if the metal was whining in protest. Soon enough she got off the small bridge, entering the next section. A...
  8. Inanna Harth

    LFG  The Plight of Refugees

    I've wanted to write stories dealing with refugees for a while now. The Chaos galaxy has a lot of refugees from various war-torn planets, so I've simplified things by choosing to focus on just one particular group, the Shi'ido. Their homeworld was conquered by the Brotherhood of the Maw, who...
  9. Inanna Harth

    Private  Murder Inc.

    Camp Spyridon, Erakhis “Please tell me you have good news,” Inanna muttered, leaning back in her chair. The hologram of Enkidu projected above her desk shook his head. “It’s bad.” Inanna shielded her eyes with her hand, then coughed. She was literally sick and tired of this shit. Catching her...
  10. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Location  Calabiyau, City of Refugees

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a location for future RP. Image Credit: Leon Tukker | tsonline | Will Wilson | Artem Chebokha Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Assateague Island | "A Wedding and a Funeral" | "Shelter From the Storm" SETTING INFORMATION City Name: Calabiyau...
  11. Darth Strosius

    Private  Recompense for the Refugees

    Somewhere in the Esstran Sector... The former space of the now-fallen Sith Empire had become a wild flurry of refugees of all kinds, most of them either fleeing from the lawlessness left behind by the collapse or from the threat of the various neighboring factions surrounding the space closing...
  12. S

    Private  Noverskaa Refugees

    Planet Noverskaa The Silver-Bryn Border The Crab invasion force had swept a clean divide across the entire north-eastern territories of the Silver Jedi territories. Those that fled did. Many could not. Sam stood on the planet Noverskaa today. Assisting in a refugee resettlement program that...
  13. Scherezade deWinter

    NEVER FORGET | Confederacy Murders Millions of Refugees in Cold Blood

    A re-cap of events Agents of Chaos were invited to Siskeen by former Viceroy Derek Dib to support his bid for a free planet. While they were there, he sent his brother, Muad Dib, ahead of time, and regardless of the outcome, to spread bombs around the Scintilla, alongside thousands of...
  14. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  Rebuilding Hope | Agents of Chaos & Friends

    Following the events on Siskeen and Ryloth, it was time for the Agents of Chaos, at least for a little while, to return home. Part of the war had gone precisely as planned; their voices had been heard, were still being heard, the Altar of Spirits had been destroyed despite the attempt to protect...
  15. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Location  Kuolema

    Intent: To create a Force Nexus that is also a memorial to serve as a location for extending roleplay threads and character development. Image Credit: Crystal Cave Crystal Cave Crystal Cave Bodies Floating in Space + Background (PS manips by Scherezade deWinter) Category Headers made by...
  16. Amilthi Camlenn

    Private  Hopes and Hutts

    Location: Randa, refugee camp (ancient Rebel base) Purple-hued Keshiri, long-snouted Kubaz, stalk-legged Pa'lowick, Toongs, Ciasi, Twi'leks, Rodians, Humans - they all had packed what they could and either taken their own ships or booked passage to flee a menace that was spreading from the...
  17. Ascendant Muse

    [ Division ] Confederate Citizenry Index

    C I T I Z E N I N D E X FREEDOM | PROGRESS | PROSPERITY Welcome to the Confederacy! We are honored that you have chosen the Southern Systems are your home to live, work, and play! To be added to our civilian roster, please post below with your selections. OVERVIEW Following the...
  18. A

    War's Bitter Fruit [Open]

    The Cassiopeia Corridor Between Artorias and Theta Kai Officially unaligned space Even the beauty of hyperspace seemed somehow dulled by the weight of responsibility that Aryon Lestyr now felt upon his shoulders. Standing on the bridge of the mighty ARV Prospion, perhaps the finest vessel in...
  19. Manu Xextos

    [AoC] Refuge & Strength: Welcome to Sabarene, Core Refugees

    Sabarene’s lonely dunes veered into the viewport as the Brynyar and Sv’Yato Fleet broke past hyperspace to the stillness of what comes after. I feel the instantaneous chorus of Sabarene’s population, so well known to me now their consistent hymns brush across my empathic mind. Home. The...
  20. Xin Boa

    Join the Vagrant Fleet

    . The Galaxy has not been kind to us. We don't want payback, we just want to get paid. Concept Inspired by Rogue One, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly and numerous heist films, this is the story of misfits and vagabonds brought together out of desperation to try and survive. Droid armies...
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