Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. D

    Private  On the Wings of Regret

    The Crimson Path hung alone in the dark void of space, though such a term did not truly apply to the vessel. The Sith Praxeum ship, the core of the High Brotherhood of the Sith and their assorted support divisions was massive in scale. The length of the mobile academy, city and factory meant...
  2. L

    LFG  Disciple of Regret

    Pain is the first Pillar of Darkness, one of the thresholds upon which our understanding of the Dark Side must rely upon. Through pain, one comes to learn and understand the boundaries of their mind and body. By embracing pain, a follower of the Dark Side is able to truly test themselves, find...
  3. Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

    Faction  The Fate of Kalie Alverez [The Family, SIA]

    LOCATION: COMPNOR BLACK SITE LOCATED ON PHAEDA (OPEN TO MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY AND THE SIA. CONTACT Cass Gemini TO JOIN THE RESCUE MISSION) The dark and dingy cell gave off an unpleasant odor that seemed to seep into her worn and tattered clothing. It was likely a mix of the blood, sweat, and...
  4. Edaline Black

    Private  Seller's Remorse, Buyer's Regret

    Another day, another failure. This whole idea of searching for ancient force religion relics in hopes of retaining what they lost was getting quite stale. Edaline would have to look into finding some way to spice up their life a bit. On the bright side, relic sales made good money. This...
  5. James Justice

    Regrets Like the Night Stars

    Music for the post "You don't seem very surprised," the doctor closed the file carefully studying James over with a cautious eye. The spacer cocked his head to the side with a sad grin. His eyes were tired, or maybe he was just getting too old. Either way they could barely focus in on the man...
  6. Voices of The Deep

    Freeze or Burn

    "Ice runs through my veins. And i welcome it." What are you doing winter? Why are you here? Her eyes slowly closed as she inhaled...taking a deep steady breath...then exhaled. Why was she even doing this? It wasn't like her at all. A few days ago, Winter had received an anonymous message...
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