Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Caltin Vanagor

    Request  Vanagor signature request?

    Something to do in place of the one I have now. Not looking for much, maybe if you could extend the background color (somehow) or blur it to something similar the further out you go. Maybe put "Vanagor" in the background with the same text that is on the bottom sig running a long the bottom? or...
  2. Liin Terallo

    Request  Yet Another Request

    Hello! I have undertaken another step in a story arc for Liin and I would really appreciate some help to further it along! I painstakingly wrote a diplomatic debate between five characters and therein lays some of the opposition that I am seeking. I hope to expand upon that, if possible! Part...
  3. Gustaf Karjala

    Request  Submission modification request

    Hello. Is it still possible to perform a submission modification request ? If it is, I'd like to modify this one in order to replace the image that was used for this one. Thank you in advance Gustaf Karjala
  4. Matthias Colcrip

    Request  My First Div Request

    I'm slowly grapsing this div stuff. At first I was super intimidated but I think I am starting to understand it a bit more. I was hoping someone with more talent and skill could help provide Matthias with one? I have no idea how these work or how simple or complex they can be, but I'm hoping for...
  5. Balun Dashiell

    Request  Signature request for someone feeling charitable

    Hi there to all of our skilled artists and photoshopper's! I was wondering if anyone would be able to make me a signature using the below images with Balun's name included somewhere in the piece. The links for the images are of much larger versions and I'd like to show Balun in his younger...
  6. Mia Monroe

    Request  Signature Request

    I'm lacking in photoshop skill and inspiration to put anything together so opening this up to the lovely artsy folk here. I'm looking for a signature for Mia, nothing specific, I give you complete artistic freedom :)
  7. K

    Request - Galactic Alliance Marshals and Sector Rangers

    Hello, I'd like to petition for the Marshals and the Sector Rangers to be added to the Galactic Alliance sign-ups. Or, if they should be part of a different sub-faction, let me know. Alliance Marhals:
  8. Tefka

    Factory  Company Tiers Request Thread

    Series License Board Request Series License Request: (e.g. 100 Industrial Series, 200 Medical Series, Ordinance, Food, Espionage) Name Of The Company: (Name as it appears in the company forum.) Link To Company Page: (Located in the Factory Company forum.) Link To Current Presentation: (This will...
  9. V

    Faction  Harrowed March | Chaos Undivided {First Order + Request}

    The FIRST ORDER suffered several defeats at its northern rimward front! Several outposts and an important listening post have been destroyed by the assaults of EKADDON THE ARSONIST, infamous Mawite Dark Jedi and his brutal coalition of misfits. They are hardly pressing the new regime through...
  10. Darth Iraath

    Request  Avatar + Sig request

    Hi, i am looking for someone who is willing to create me both an avatar and signature, i have got some images i have generated using Stable Diffusion(which i will provide) i do not have any images that i have can provide as a base for the signature, but i will update this thread if i get a hold...
  11. Kyriaki

    Request  Sig request

    Hi there, Elpsis/Sio's writer here. Recently I made a new character - Kyriaki - and I'd like to get her a sig. As my artistic talent is non-existent, I'd like to outsource making her one. Would be very grateful to anyone willing to take the request. So Kyriaki is Elpsis' clone. Both have Sophie...
  12. S

    Request  Character Template?

    (Gothic_Cupcakes / Venari "The Daughter" here) I may be more comfortable with photoshop and making flairs and sig cards, but my uhh year of IT prep courses was around two years ago and I need time to figure out the BB code, does anyone have a character template for a sith that I could use for...
  13. J

    Request  Divider request

    Link 1 Link 2 Pretty simple, I just need a divider featuring the design in the links above. I provided two links, the first to a circle cropped version, the second being the original. As for which one you pick, I don't mind. As for the divider itself, I just need something simple, nothing...
  14. D

    Request  Template Request

    I'm looking to get a posting template made for Vastitas. Something dark and foreboding, but refined at the same time. Anyone willing to help me out?
  15. Juggerduck

    Lepi Coloration Request

    Might someone have the time to color this fellow a warm shade of moss/hunter green, and the gem around his neck purple? Thanks in advance!
  16. Crysis

    Request  Artsy Request

    Could anyone maybe edit this image so that the left lekku of the character (Her Right) is shorter/cut off in comparison to the other. By a few inches or so. So for how much, perhaps roughly halfway through the third blue ring on the Lekku. Puhlease?
  17. K

    Recolor Request

    I'm in the process of creating a racer character, and was hoping someone might be able to take this amazing picture of Evel Knievel on a speeder bike and recolor it for my use. Ideally, I'd like the white parts of the suit & helmet to be a blueish-gray, and the red to be dark gray. The blue is...
  18. Draco Miles

    Question  Awakened with a storm request

    Tags: Jaro Sansel Crix Maden Darth Timur Shanalex Mr. Nine Hello! I am making this thread to act as both a discussion thread for And to give out a request that I could join as well
  19. Tefka

    Factory  Request Factory Modifications

    Submission Modification Request After a submission has been approved, it will be locked. Use this forum to have it moved to an area where you can Modify the Submission or have it Archived. 1.) Please post below with the submission you wish to modify or archive. 2.) You may only...
  20. Tefka

    Codex  Request Codex Modifications

    Submission Modification Requests After a submission has been approved, it will be locked. Use this forum to have it moved to an area where you can Modify the Submission or have it Archived. 1.) Please post below with the submissions you wish to modify or archive. 2.) You may request a...
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