Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Rara Gowisi

    Factory  Maclunkee's, Mobile Restaurant

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Maclunkee's Headquarters: Fondor Locations: Have Freighter, Will Travel (Anywhere a corvette sized freighter can land, A Macklunkee's can be parked. Operations: Food...
  2. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Location  N3CT4R [Netherworld] [Character Contest]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a location in the Netherworld for future RP. Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Shuura a la Madness SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: N3CT4R Classification: Restaurant Location: Masque, the Great Shifting Bazaar Affiliation: The...
  3. Kai Bamarri

    Approved Location  The Bucket (restaurant)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally sub a restaurant regularly visited/referenced by my characters. Image Credit: SpongeBob SquarePants (edited by me) Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Bucket Classification: Fast Food/Takeout Restaurant...
  4. Hilal Vizsla

    Private  Two Girls Walk into a Fancy Restaurant

    Current Outfit The Momo Grill, only the rich and fancy enter Hilal was neither rich nor she can hardly call herself fancy, but she had the connections thanks to her time as a Bounty Hunter. The young woman stepped out of the speeder dressed in an immaculate white dress. Though one can assume...
  5. Lilani Moniul

    Delish Corner

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Canon Link : N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Delish Corner Headquarters: Coruscant Locations: Business done mainly in Coruscant, Naboo, Atrisia, Alderaan, Kuat so far, with hopes...
  6. NauOne

    Public  Fancy Eats [A Spacestation Restaurant]

    Yellow-green Nautolan Mieczyk is dressed like a fashionable Jedi, though his clothes are big on him. Perhaps to grow, or perhaps that's the aimed for style? On top is a dark brown, sleeveless robe with a hood designed to accommodate Nautolan headtails. Not that he has much need for it yet, as he...
  7. Jacen Nimdok

    Approved Location  Rock Cafe

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a location for future RP. Image Credit: Olabukoo | Stanislav Vovchuk Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Rock Cafe Classification: Restaurant Location: Aldera, Alderaan Affiliation: Adela Gogol...
  8. Zelroga

    Approved NPC  Lazru Calario

    LAZRU CALARIO OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Lazru is the host at Kalipher's. He will appear in threads focused on Zelroga and the restaurant to serve food and help/ entertain guests. Image Credit: (artist is Obieblu img link = here ) Role: Very capable host and head waiter of...
  9. Zelroga

    Public  Any Publicity is Good Publicity... (SEEKING REVIEWERS FOR KALIPHER'S RESTAURANT AND BAR)

    ALL PUBLICITY IS GOOD PUBLICITY Zelroga mused to himself as he caramelised a batch of ojomian onions. Business for Kalipher's was faring well given it was such a new restaurant, but it needed to be electric! A review or two by the right sort of people would do nicely... someone in the...
  10. Zelroga


    KALIPHER'S THE VEDA PEARL CORUSCANT 101998 674 Sick of those seedy bars in the lower sectors of Coruscant? Come treat yourself to culinary delight at Kalipher's.... ABOUT: A classy restaurant found at The Veda Pearl complex on the Coruscant Plains specialising in Batuuan cuisine. An...
  11. Odanneth Mal (Darth Nyx)

    Character  Zelroga

  12. Prazutis

    The Otada'ye

    • Intent: An Elegant Restaurant in Carson City, on Kyrayc. • Image Credit: Gwinnett Restaurant • Canon: N/A • Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION • Structure Name: The Otada'ye • Classification: Elegant Restaurant • Location: Kyrayc • Affiliation: Prudii Kyr'am The Confederacy of...
  13. Kiki Katarn

    Approved Location  Yum Bunnies - Narayana Galactic Trade Station

    Made by Chris Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined! OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expanding Yum Bunnies Locations Across the 'verse Image Credit: here and Image Credit Canon: N/A Links: Yum Bunnies SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Yum Bunnies Restaurant Classification...
  14. Kiki Katarn

    Approved Location  Yum Bunnies - Zeltros

    Made by Chris Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined! OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expanding Yum Bunnies Locations Across the 'verse Image Credit: here Canon: N/A Links: Yum Bunnies SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Yum Bunnies Restaurant Classification: Restuarant & Bar...
  15. Kiki Katarn

    Approved Location  Yum Bunnies - Coruscant

    Made by Chris Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined! OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expanding Yum Bunnies Locations Across the 'verse Image Credit: here Canon: N/A Links: Yum Bunnies SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Yum Bunnies Restaurant Classification: Restuarant Location...
  16. Jessica Med-Beq

    Pizza Hutt

    Image source: Rex Ryan Corporation Name: Pizza Hutt Headquarters: Nal Hutta Locations: Toydaria, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Dulvoyinn, Glyss, Skor Ownership: 90% Ringovinda StarYards, 7% Cathul Thuku, 3% others CEO: Lorca Desilijic Tiure (Lorca the Hutt) Operations: Fast-food pizza...
  17. Krayn

    Approved Location  BLUEmilk

    Name: BLUEmilk Image Source: Source: Google. Classification: Restaurant Location: Bespin Affiliation: @Chiari Barlot Description:BLUEmilk is a modern fine dining restaurant and exclusive eatery for the finest of...
  18. Krayn

    Blue Milk

    Corporation Name: Blue Milk Headquarters: Coruscant Locations: Blue Milk is a prestigious restaurant and only holds a single location. Operations: Fine Dining Food and Beverage Operations. Rationale: Chiari Balot had always been into cooking, starting her apprenticeship under the guidance of...
  19. P

    Popo's Peepers

    Corporation Name: Popo's Peepers Headquarters: The Wheel Locations: The Wheel Operations: Restaurant and Bar Rationale: With Tenloss' expanding progress into the weapon, armor, and armored vehicle fields, Popo decided it was time to experiment with something a little more peaceful and...
  20. Kurt Meyer

    Yum Bunnies

    Corporation Name: Yum Bunnies! Owner: [member="Danger Arceneau"], ATC Headquarters: Tatooine Locations: Yum Bunnies first began opening location on Arceneau Trade Company Trade Stations, however with its rising publicity, its great atmosphere, and fantastic food the company has quickly begun...
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