Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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retro thread

  1. Cato Harth

    Private  Rapture

    A Prison on Nar Shadda... "Deal me in," The Six-Gun Squid muttered as her pylantian form slithered over to the table. The guns that once filled every pseudopod had been replaced with a hand of sabbacc cards. Prison life wasn't so bad on Nar Shaddaa, other than the bruised ego that came with it...
  2. Cato Harth

    Private  Second, Third, Fourth Chances

    Then, Nar Shadaa Sleep came rather soundly to Cato Harth. For all the chaos that was Nar Shaddaa, his home was an impenetrable refuge. What's not to love? A comfortable bed, a beautiful woman in his arms, and no Gurt busting through his door in the early hours of the morning. Until he was. The...
  3. Inanna Harth

    Private  Though Some Call It Magic

    Sometimes Narsh could be almost beautiful. For a few moments at dawn, when the rays of the setting sun hit the starscrapers just right, it gleamed. Even the smog acquired an ethereal quality, the light forming a golden lining on dark smoky clouds. Then you would hear a speeder alarm, the sounds...
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