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Intent: Sub a long-standing RP connection.
Image Source: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bethesda Softworks, Zenimax Entertainment | X | X
Canon Link: X | X
Restricted Missions: /
Primary Source: a.k.a. That long-standing RP connection.
Phrik and Plaque and...
Adriel Ooglith - Yuuzhan Vong Biot
Image Source: HERE
Intent: A personal undersuit/armorweave like armor undersuit
Development Thread: Log: 113-A , Log: 113-B
Manufacturer: Yun'Do Shaper Caste, Reverance
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No- only able to be added to other systems...
Prakith - Sith Citadel
Something about Citadels that made a soul restless, especially ones like this. Places where torture of the mind, body and spirit left a mark upon the fabric of reality so profane one could feel it upon entering the premises.
Shai was strongly reminded of Korriban...
The hortium swelled and pulsated, a living thing encompassing a small vestibule of the grashal devoted to the shapers of the Legion Yun'Do. The Nuhlrokka landed in a whip of air, kicking the debris of the fields free from their wind rows. Upon it's...
Name: Legion Yun'Do
Intent: Subset of Hrosha-Gul, written as the personal army of the Wrath of the One Sith, Reverance. Based out of Selvaris. Purely for the point that I don't want people being surprised when they go up against my NPC's.
Affiliation: Reverance, One Sith...
Recently partially vong-formed
Early Morning - Time of Celebration and Escalation
Gabriel stood upon the pinnacle of his recent creation, the proclamation of Vong ascendancy over Selvaris, and the reclamation of native habitats and return to center. Towers of biological advancement...
Intent: Reverance's personal offhand lightsaber, lost to [member="Kana Truden"] at the battle of Kashyyyk
Development Thread: None for actual construction, Red Diamond Obtainment: There is a snowflake in my hair.
Manufacturer: Reverance
Model: Curved Crimson Lightsaber...
Intent: Reverance's personal offhand lightsaber, lost to Kana Truden at the battle of Kashyyyk
Development Thread: Red Diamond Obtainment: There is a snowflake in my hair.
Manufacturer: Reverance
Model: Curved Lightsaber
Affiliation: N/a
Modularity: No
Production: Unique...
I really wanted to do this for the character, but since Rev is really my only character for right now (still getting my feet with with [member="Yurzhoc Shai"] and [member="Relit Vandal"]), I figured I would name this for writer and let anything go. And lets be honest...I'm pretty lazy.
Image Source: URL
Intent: Personal Armor for Reverance, with a focus on dual wielding combat. To flesh out an armor that he has used on and off before I transferred him to Chaos.
Development Thread: Phrik acquisition: Phrik and plaque and gingivitis...
Early evening
Emperor Palpatines Surgical Facility
Rain poured, like some cosmic warning of things to come, the gentle sideways fling a mere issuance of the development to come. Slippery and delicate, the steady downpour was a hop skip and a jump from the classical interpretation...
Water drops fell from split pipes, the occasional gush of steam flowing freely across the walls of the large and relatively empty room. Spot lights shined beams across the logo of a raven upon frayed tapestry, hues of dark red glittered with specks of blood and...