Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tegan Starfall

    The Silence in the Void

    Do you hear that? It was darkness except for the glow of those orange eyes that peered into nothing. The void even now trying to consume light from them, that endless light of those eyes that had now burned too long to remember. There was no sound the voice int he void only boomed in her head...
  2. Tegan Starfall

    The Voice in the Void

    Wake up you were dreaming again Dreaming of the wind running across the plains and through the ridged mountains. The sea crashing against the crag rocks. You saw the destroyed port of sorrows with the crumbled skyhook. The Grand Bone temple empty devoid of life only filled with the walking...
  3. Tegan Starfall

    Private  Ruins Of Madness

    Location: Black Temple, Ruined City, Rhand Tags: Onrai In northern parts of Rhand far from the plains where the Bone temple had been resurrected sat a ruined city and at its center sat a towering Black Temple. The city had long ago been left to ruin and decay well before the Planet had been...
  4. Laertia Io

    Approved Starship  Rhand Class Battle Cruiser

    Intent: To Create House Io's main Battle Cruiser Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Leviathan of Sev Tok House Io Star Destroyer PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Scion Mobile Shipyards...
  5. Laertia Io

    Ready For Judge  Rhand Class Battle Cruiser

    Intent: To Create House Io's main Battle Cruiser Image Source: Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.) Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other...
  6. Aspect of Defiance

    Invasion  Break of Dawn || CIS Invasion of BOTM held Rhand

    The Confederacy of Independent Systems was a nation founded on two core principles. The first: that all member systems would have individual self-determination and liberty, free from tyranny and subjugation. The second: that under no form, would slavery be allowed to exist. It was because of...
  7. The Mongrel

    Major Faction Will you walk into my parlor...

    ... said the spider to the fly The galaxy watched with horror as Csilla burned. Now, the titans of the Galactic South have awakened. They come seeking vengeance for the Brotherhood's crimes. Come and see, say the great Heathen Priests, Come and see what our gods have done, what dark...
  8. The Mongrel

    Codex Denied  Port Sorrow

    Port Sorrow OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out the Brotherhood's occupation of Rhand and provide an invasion target. Image Credit: Top Image: Cirith Ungol concept art, by Karatker Design Studios Holding Pens: Udun Slave Pens, by spherco on Deviantart (account deactivated, pic...
  9. Aspect of Defiance

    Invasion  (OOC) Break of Dawn || CIS Invasion of BotM held Rhand

    L I B E R A T E For their actions against Csilla, the enslavement of many, and mass genocide, the Confederacy of Independent Systems has turned their eyes north to the Brotherhood of the Maw. The slaves of Rhand must be freed… Break of Dawn! Confederacy of Independent Systems Invasion of...
  10. Darth Solipsis

    Approved Location  The Grand Bone Temple

    "Only power is real, and the only real power is the power to destroy. Existence is fleeting. Destruction is eternal." - The Sorcerers of Rhand OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out Brotherhood of the Maw occupied Rhand and provide worshippers of the Dark a place to hang their hat...
  11. Spirit of Faith

    Junction  ILUMinate the Void | Junction of Ilum [GA], Pashvi [NIO], and Empty hex Northeast of Rhand [BOTM]

    I L U M Galactic Alliance | New Imperial Order | Brotherhood of the Maw Ilum- A place of wonder, sanctity, and self-discovery. Since the rebirth of the New Jedi Order, the planet has long been sought after. More than just a conduit, the holy land offered roots to the blossoming organization. It...
  12. Darth Abyss

    Third Eye

    Unnamed World somewhere in the Nihil Retreat, Abandoned Temple The Sorcerers of Rhand were one of the numerous sects that reached out to the force in their search for power and enlightenment, even if they like many others denied that their power had the same source as that of jedi and sith...
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