Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Chi Chuchi

    Private  Partying With Pirates

    The holographic map of the area flickered unheeded as Chi watched her little robotic mining probes scour a cluster of asteroids. The stores were running low again and the Pantoran tinkerer and her AI had found a few of the things they needed out here before. Ji-Ji didn't like it of course...
  2. Starlin Rand

    Private  Starlin and Tenn's Up in Smoke

    Recreation lounge aboard the Bright Knight “I dunno, man,” Starlin muttered, taking another drag from his blunt. “Sounds kinda paranoid to me.” “Psh.” Rhys sighed, his voice sounding slightly tinny coming through the speakers on Starlin’s datapad. Maybe it was a bad connection on his end. Or...
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