Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ellissanthia

    Private  Apex Predator

    Location: Catharian Mountain Range - Cathar Objective: Find the Hidden Ascendant Vault Tag: Rieka The Catharian Mountain Range was as vast as it was dangerous. Not just for the height of its peaks and the narrowness of its escarpments, but also for the imposing size of the various fauna which...
  2. Rieka

    Character  Rieka "Pale beast"

    R I E K A Age 30 Species Human turned alchemical loth-wolf beast hybrid Gender Female Height 20ft on hind legs (6 Meters) Weight Heavy! Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION A large Lupine beast, cloaked in white thick fur and bandages/Eternalist holy scripture. The head...
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