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There was something out here.
Jorus knew it. That is why he ventured out to this area of the galaxy nearly two decades ago. But it was not just the beautiful coral reefs that caught his eye. The Force was strong on this moon in ways that even Okkeus had not seen before. Like there was...
Hyperspace Reversion Point, Colundra Sector
Judd - Jacen Nimdok
The parameters of the life for the Outrider crew, though ill-defined, held one constant: the inconstancy of liquid capital. Rich men one day, paupers the next. Hence the need to always be on the job. And few paid out better than...
The hundred minds in this viewing gallery united in rapt attention, and Kasmion couldn't blame them in the slightest. There were tourists like himself, but also Followers of the Rapture, the cult who'd seen this station's sights a hundred times. He got the...