Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Azurine Varek

    Private  The Road Less Traveled

    Understanding Outfit: Clothing/Armor | Glove | Right Arm | Talisman Weapons: Lightsaber 1 | Lightsaber 2 | Hook Swords The soft murmur of cascading water filled the Room of a Thousand Fountains, a melody that should have been soothing, but to Azzie, it only made the silence heavier. She sat...
  2. Allora Viper

    Private  Down, down, down the road

    Location: Outer Rim Trading Post Beggar’s Spire was not normally a station that she stopped for. Located somewhere between Geonosis and Lothal, and not exactly on the way back from Exegol, there were other - better stations she could have stopped. And yet, something asked her to stop and have...
  3. Darth Moskvin

    Private  What We Seek In The Otherspace

    OTHERSPACE "Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence." - H.P. Lovecraft - There are very few planets or regions of the galaxy that possess a frightening ambience that travelers effortless avoid, but none are my terrifying than...
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