Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sara Roche

    Character  Sara Roche

    SOCIETAL Name: Sara Kasra Roche Alias: Meteor One "Roach" Titles: - Homeworld: Carida Current Home: Varies based on deployment Faction: Galactic Alliance Rank: 878 ABY: First Lieutenant 900 ABY: Major (Temporary Lt. Commander during Battle of Coruscant) Force Sensitivity: No...
  2. Silver Strand

    Private  What once was found... (Silver Jedi Concord & friends)

    The Core, Korpil G62, Roche Asteroid Belt Sergeant Tyris peaked his head through the darkened corridors as Beta-9 warbled a warning from up ahead. The ranger froze and raised his hand, signalling the squad behind him to abruptly halt their advance. They did so, even as the probot shone a light...
  3. A

    Private  Ferry Ride

    Shora the Shameless COME ALONE. INTERVIEW. FIVE DAYS. TAKE A RIDE: . . . Shora would receive word back on the job, firstly the interview, about a day and a half after he passed his name along. It came back with instructions attached, along with a holoticket for a ride in a cargo ship across...
  4. A

    Private  Fire and..

    Brimstone COME ALONE. INTERVIEW. FOUR DAYS. FREEHOLD WESMAN FACTORY 033 The Gen'dai would receive word on the job overnight. The interview mentioned beforehand in the details was ready and open for him on the planet of Freehold. The exact coordinates led to an old infrastructural district...
  5. A

    Approved NPC  Officers of the Roche Fleet

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To have a roster of advisors and command staff for my character, Alliser Roche. Image Credit: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Alliser Roche CREW INFORMATION Crew Name: Roche Fleet Command Staff Crew Type: Command Staff Base of Operations: Roche's Flagship: The...
  6. A

    Approved NPC  Privateer Pilots

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: As an aggressive capitalist, it stands to reason that I'll need a proper pilot roster to look on for when combat occurs. Image Credit: Pilots - Johannes Holm Role: To serve as an aerial force for combat against opposing pilots, ships, and concentrations of...
  7. A

    Character  Alliser Roche

    Alliser Roche (art by @Ange_20777. credits to them for fine artwork) LOCATION: Freehold System FACTION: Independent at the moment. RANK: Captain SPECIES: Human AGE: Thirty Four SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5"11 WEIGHT: 184lbs EYES: Grey HAIR: Brown SKIN: Caucasian FORCE SENSITIVE: Negative...
  8. Yasha Cadera

    Cries in the Vacuum: UCM Invasion of Roche (OOC)

    Cries in the Vacuum Clans of Mandalore Invasion of SJO Held Roche The Aliit. Family. The only true reason for Mandalorians to strike is the desire to protect one’s Vode. Families like those, who were massacred by supposed Light-Sided at Roche years prior. Mandalorian memories are long as...
  9. Eugen Aker

    Bloody Swarms - The SJO Dominion of the Roche Hex

    Piracy and raiding was nothing new to Silver Jedi, but recent attacks had been too direct and precise. There was a rising suspicion that there was a mole within the Silver Order, feeding information to their adversaries. Fears were confirmed in the aftermath of the battle of Charros IV, where it...
  10. Eugen Aker

    Never Enough

    The Silver Order had quickly become one of Slayn & Korpil's largest customers as they ramped up operations in response to increasing Sith incursions within their sphere of influence. There was one item in particular that the Silvers couldn't get enough of; intruder missiles. Against Sith and...
  11. Eugen Aker

    Approved Tech  Rescue Pod [Factory Lore Challenge]

    Image Source: Terminator Intent: To develop an effective rescue vehicle for spaceborne retrieval. Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Arisa Yune (Original Creator), Panacea Model: N/A Affiliation: Open Market Modularity: No Production: Mass Production Material: Duraplast, Neutronium...
  12. Rianna Organa

    Approved Location  Rekali-Gyndar Memorial Hospital

    Name: Rekali-Gyndar Memorial Hospital Image Source: Classification: Hospital Location: Roche Affiliation: United Clans of Mandalore Description: This is a three story structure on Roche the Clans and some of the business had...
  13. Gray Raxis

    Phrik This Deal! (PM to join)

    Gray had been a little busy lately and it had sadly skipped his mind to send his friend @Metreya the coordinates to the SocMin Fed phrik mine in the Roche Asteroid belt. He had been reminded about it recently though and so took care of getting everything set up before he sent the coordinates to...
  14. Gray Raxis

    Phrik You, It's Mine! (Justice Shipping, PM to join)

    Location: Roche asteroid belt Objective: Investigate the mystery mine There was a rumor spreading around the markets of Roche about phrik being available on the black market. The asteroid belt in the system was well known as a source for the highly useful material, so it was no surprise to...
  15. Captain Larraq

    Capitalist with a Gun: Mandalorian Invasion of Roche (Mando vs Republic)

    Mere hours had passed since Rygel Larraq had found himself awoken from his drunken stupor. An attendant had urged him awake with whispers of unrest within the Republic. Stories of Republic fleets and clone armies raiding corporate assets throughout the little that remained of the once vast...
  16. K

    Behind Enemy Lines (GR Dominion of Roche)

    The Roche Shipyard It was a simple matter, really. Their backs were to the wall, pressed into a tough position by the continuous press of the Sith assault forces. It was to be expected. Their ability to divine the location of Crina showed that they would do anything to solidify their power...
  17. Gir Quee

    Let loose the Dogfight of War

    Arendal-class Heavy Cruiser Redemption, Roche System Admiral Quee strolled dwon the corridor and inserted his code cylinder into the bridge foyer's door frame. Lieutenant Lod mumbled something next to him, causing Gir's lips to crease into a grin. As the doors swished open in front of them, Gir...
  18. Jaxton Ravos


    So, I'd like people to post which asteroid they are on here. I'll put up some rough numbers based on what I know, but it won't be everything. Tell me and I'll edit the OP. G99: @[member="Delila Castillon"] @[member="Kalia Vondiranach"] NICKEL ONE: @[member="Ardak Serifen"] @[member="Jesta"]...
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