Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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rules update

  1. Tefka

    Staff  General Rules Update

    One minor update, one introduction of a new rule. The minor update: This rule has been updated to reflect that no real world events should be subjects of discussion on this forum. While this rule is all encompassing and can cover a great many of your "well, what about this" questions, the...
  2. Annika Starfire

    Suggestion  Vassal state rules update

    The Dark Empire usage of the Vassal Mandate to try and pinch Alliance territory is super cool and I'm glad someone is using it. But I think the way that it is defended against is the wrong way round. Currently I think a better way would be This makes more narrative sense that the attacker...
  3. Valiens Nantaris

    Rules Update  Update Concerning Use of Real Life Extremist Imagery

    The General Rules have been updated with the following: 12. Iconography or depictions of real-world extremist political groups, such as Nazis, KKK, ISIL, etc. are prohibited. All members must remove any such iconography from anything posted on this site including bios, profiles, submissions...
  4. Valiens Nantaris

    Rules Update  Major Faction, Invasion & Mandate Update

    Staff have been considering for a long while some changes to the way major factions and invasions work, specifically about factions with only a single hex and so on. The following changes have been made. These changes will take effect on August 1st to allow factions time to adjust. It does...
  5. Valiens Nantaris

    Invasion Rules Update: Stalling

    To address potential issues with factions deliberately not posting in invasions, the rules have been revised as such: Under the base rules: Stalling is also prohibited. Stalling is where a defending faction deliberately seeks to under perform in order to shift the lion share of the work on the...
  6. Valiens Nantaris

    Major Faction Mandate Rework

    The Mandate of Heaven has been bestowed! Major Faction Mandates were an interesting addition to the site, but there were some which were clearly not as good as others, and some which never worked correctly. Therefore, after an exhausting period of discussions, work-shopping and suggestions from...
  7. Valiens Nantaris

    Rebellion Rules Update

    Great minds clearly think alike [member="Gilamar Skirata"] since I had down today to do some rebellion updates which take elements from what you suggested. As part of our updates on all things map and faction related, some small changes to rebellion rules. Firstly, the minimum period for a...
  8. Valiens Nantaris

    Re-Dominion of Lost Hexes Rule Change

    As part of our rework of Invasion and related rules the following has been added to the Dominion rules. A hex lost as the result of an invasion defeat may not have a Dominion thread started on it by the defeated faction for 30 days after the announcement of the Invasion result. This adds a...
  9. Valiens Nantaris

    New Major Faction Invasion Protection Rule

    A new line has been added to the Invasions rules: New Major Factions may not be invaded for the first 30 days after their application is approved unless they initiate an invasion first. This gives new factions a bit of a...
  10. Valiens Nantaris

    Requesting Aid Rule Change

    SWRP Staff are always looking at ways to make invasions smoother and easier for all side. This is one of a number of measures which are being worked out. The requesting aid rules have been amended as follows. REQUESTING AID 1. Both the opposing and defending Major Factions in an Invasion...
  11. Valiens Nantaris

    Rule Tweaks

    Two minor alterations have been made to the rules. Firstly, under factions: No faction may use the terms 'official', 'real' or 'true' or similar in the name of their faction. No faction can claim to be the sole and only version of that group. Next under invasions: 3. Invasions typically run...
  12. Jamie Pyne

    Major Faction Mandate Rule Adjustment

    Going forward requests for Major Faction Mandates will follow the same procedure as Dominons. In this thread, Use the template provided and an RPJ will review the request and, if the faction meets the necessary requirements to change their mandate, then the RPJ will stamp the request. The change...
  13. Valiens Nantaris

    Rebellion Rules Update

    The following minor changes have been made to the rebellion rules. Any Minor Faction or group of Minor Factions may launch a Rebellion, so long as they have been Minor Factions for at least 30 days. Rebellions cannot be started by Minor Factions that are owned by members who hold a position as...
  14. Valiens Nantaris


    This morning we have something new in the galaxy of faction conflicts. One of the major engines of faction activity is Dominions, but they lack a certain something gained by opposition. Invasions deliver that, but often lead to high stakes and a lot of barely contained drama. So why not offer a...
  15. Valiens Nantaris

    Stampeding Clarification

    Staff has clarified the stampeding rule. We will also have new procedures for looking at what and what is not stampeding to make it fair for both sides. The revision is below: Stampeding is not allowed. Stampeding is when several members of a Major Faction post repetitively without waiting for...
  16. Valiens Nantaris

    Invasion Rules Update

    A big thank you to [member="Nadja Keto"] along with the rest of the staff team for their work on this. Whilst to some it may have seemed like nothing was happening. In fact we have spent a lot of time trying to get the perfect formulation going. Indeed, it felt at times like debating the arcane...
  17. Valiens Nantaris

    Diplomacy Update

    In line with a suggestion by [member="Lanter Kells"] we have updated the diplomacy conditions and the map update thread. I have also added the diplomacy menu to the factions are on the top bar. Changes are: Quote Quote DIPLOMATIC EXCHANGE Initiating Faction: (Insert Name Here) Negotiating...
  18. Valiens Nantaris


    The following rules are being implemented on a trial basis. We will carefully monitor the impacts and effects of this ruleset and make edits as required. This applies only to Invasions announced after today. However, if already announced (but not started) Invasions would like to take part both...
  19. Cira

    Restricted Materials update and Event Rewards

    Good evening folks, Just a few housekeeping updates, the major one concerning Restricted Materials and Event Rewards. So without further ado changes are in green. These changes are effective immediately. More streamlining will be coming within the next month or so, so keep a lookout. Event...
  20. Quietus

    NEW Starship Location template and minor updates

    I am happy to offer an addition to our location templates for Starships! This is for people who want to flesh out their ships beyond technical parameters and give them a more personal feel. It's a great way to provide scene-setting for anyone who may be using your ship for an RP. All Starship...
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