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Location: Naboo
Objective: Runaway
Tags: Onrai
Casi had been missing for three whole days, ever since the discussion to take her mom off life support. She knew the Jedi would eventually come looking for her and her best idea was to get off the planet, but that was a bit difficult with no...
This little spit fire is on a quest for freedom and self-discovery. Tyr'ra seeks new connections in the galaxy—friends, rivals, and mentors. If you're ready to engage in dynamic stories that challenge conventions and explore the depths of character and conflict, Tyr'ra could be your ideal...
Location: Makeb, Talaos City
Makeb is a beautiful world, one of the most economically thriving planets in the Galaxy. Sorr had visited Makeb at least twice, his Dad was forming alliances with the bankers of Makeb and even bought Sorr his own bank account complete with a heft sum of credits...
Hello there! I am back after an extended LOA and once again in need of threads, though posting will be slower these days
Tae'l or previously "Tayl Vizsla" is the missing daughter of two Mandalorian Corsairs based out of Tatooine. She was captured by the Sith Order during the Battle for the...
Location: Planet Taris | Main Spaceport
Tags: Sorr Kortu
Blazinda couldn’t believe that Kalira would do something so dumb and rash. Their mother was going to start a search for Krisstan for sure. Why did Kalira think she needed to go out and find him? What did she hope to accomplish? More...
Hello there,
I have an idea for a character. A sithspawn that breaks away from the Sith and tries to find redemption, steadily turning lightside or, even cooler, grey. But I was wondering if any Sith players wanted to RP being her creator. I was thinking of her being a unique...
Cynthia stood there hands pressed against the table in the Hall of Alor's as she looked down at the several data pads laid out in a chaotic order. Rava and Bir was also there as they spoke amongst themselves and occasionally interacting with a hologram of the ever expanding city of Darsuum Yaim...
Location: Devaron, Train Car 4002
There was something very irritating about having to take a train rather than land in the city you were trying to get to, but she didn't have the influence to get past the security protocols. So, on a train she would go. Taking her seat, the huntress scrolled...
Araceli K. Thoris
MSM, APRM, CML - University of Coruscant, Elrood Sector. 38/10/859
Pre-Docorate, MD - University of Chandrila, Chandrila. (Disenrolled)
NRF (No Registration Found) - Modified Freighter, "The Mage"
Entry is a side note, one intended for my eyes only!!!
I never told any...
"'Harry! Harry! Fetch th'um water from the th'tweam hour'th away! And don't dawdle!' Th'tupid witch...." Harry mocks his mother's voice, knowing full well the sorceress can probably hear him through the Force. Magic was like that--full of loopholes that made no sense. Much like Harry's...