Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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sellia ii

  1. Jalen Kai'el

    First Reply  War Doc | Jedi Praxeum, Sellia II

    War Doc Sellia II, Jedi Praxeum Tags: Open The Sellian Jedi Praxeum had been converted into a hospital overnight. Following the attack on Ryloth by the Enclave, refugees spilled into it's halls and made the little academy far more hectic. It was this chaos that dragged Jalen in. His older...
  2. Jasper Kai'el

    Approved Species  Drogyrmandr

    DROGYMANDR GENTLE SELLIAN BEAST OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a creature to expand upon the fauna of my moon. Image Credit: Twitter, edited by me in Photoshop. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Sellia II, Ord Providence GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Drogymandyr...
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